

Ask @TheOutkast

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can you explain your music? i can see your trying to do edm but its honestly sounding like fucking shit.

Umm ok, ouch. Well I'm 14 incase u haven't noticed, and you're probably expecting something like Skrillex or deadmau5 or Nero, who happen to be in their 20s and are becoming very mainstream. That's one thing. Second, if you don't like it, don't listen to it, no one's forcing u to do so. Third, if you don't like it how about giving me ideas or giving me something to work on instead of just dissing it. How am I supposed to make it better when all u say is "it's honestly sounding like fucking shit?" That won't help anyone in music production. Fourth, I kno it may sound cliche but, try and top it, u seem to talk the talk but not walk the walk. Fifth, the programs I use (Ableton Live 9, FL Studio 11, and Pro Tools 10) are made for professionals like Skrillex or deadmau5 or Nero or Kill The Noise, and many others up on the charts like them. The fact that i am capable of using the software like them, with only a few screws i need to tighten up, it has impressed many professional producers when asking them for their feedback. I'd like to emphasize the fact that I am 14, idk about u but I don't see a ton of 14-15 year olds trying to produce music and DJ. Everyone has their own way of producing their tracks, u don't seem to like it cuz it doesn't sound as epic as very famous producers, which is fine, but talking shit about it won't change much besides the very slight meter of my annoyance going up. So if u don't like it, GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK ON instead of just talking smack about it. Thank you :)

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Then don't look, simple as that. And plus we aren't the only ones, trust me, there are other couples who do worse than us believe it or not. Kissing won't kill u so stop overreacting over us, k?


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