

Ask @TheOutkast

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Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?

What kind of question is this?

How did u and kerma meet?

We started talking on facebook for a bit actually, like a week. Then I grew the balls to ask her out on like a "friend-date." We went to Starbucks and when I first saw her I was like "wow." From there I knew I wanted her to be my girlfriend

People from Phoenix are Phoenicians

"Hey, shut up, faggot! FAGGOT! Quit being a faggot and suck that dick." - Louis C.K.

So regarding 2 of ur answers in 1 u sorta imply people (and im for sho including ur faggot ass) r cowardly for not facing people head on and yet you say before that you rather "run away" from ur problems on a 1 way ticket to nowhere land..Hypocrites these days..OH AND UR MUSIC IS FUCKING SHIT K? :D

You're clearly a person who is trying to hard to try and break me down by stalking my ask.fm and finding my answers to different situations and attempting to make it sound like they are all connected into one big topic. Well sorry it's not. When I say "run away" from my problems, it means the bullshit I hav to deal with at home, the constant stress of school, and the ignorant human beings, like you, who constantly annoy the living shit out of me. I would love to say this your ugly ass face but unfortunatly ur too much of a pussy to say ur name and leave urself anonymous. I say people are cowards, like you again, for not facing people head on because they use the Internet as their shield which only makes them look more and more weak. Talking shit behind the screen does not help ur case at all trying to prove I'm something more foul than u. And u don't like my music? Ok......that's ur problem, not mine :)

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What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

That people think they're far more superior behind the screen than outside

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Idk, anywhere as long as it's as far away as possible from the problems

How are you and Karma?(:

We are doing perfectly fine, thanks for asking. We will have been going out for 9 month next Tuesday


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