

Ask @TheOutkast

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This dumbass who keep harassing you and Karma legit needs Jesus or something.. Clearly they have nothing better to do than hide behind an anonymous face and try to bully you guys. People like this make me hate the world.

I kno. People think that cyber bullying can make them more superior when clearly it only shows that they are cowards behind a screen that are too afraid of saying it to the person's face. Thank you

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Hahaha I knew it was a girl! Only bitches like her speak their mind louder than their mouth.


Why don't you just smile your profile picture is fucking ugly.

Who the fuck are u? u r really being an annoying cunt

yo bro, my intentions aren't meant to be offensive or hurtful, but man you gotta get some friends you n Carma are to clingy n shit just remember not all of us dudes are dicks we're chill with you hangin with us

I do have friends, maybe it doesn't look like it but I do. I kno ur trying to help and I appreciate that. It's just that I love being with her

Do you have any strange phobias?

I'm afraid of the dark, things that look disgusting, and I have severe anxiety of tests and quizzes

What is your favorite clothing store?

I have a lot but id pick the Macbeth Footwear Shop, Tillys, and Target

What's your favorite thing about Karma?

Oh good one! My one favorite thing about her is her gorgeous eyes <3

would you be interested in making music for someone who makes airsoft videos? I've listened to your music. It has to be original though.

I would love to! But we are going to have to sort things out first before we start working :)


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