

Ask @TheOutkast

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Who is the happiest person you know?

Well everyone I kno has a sad/more serious side so basically no one I kno is always happy, they are all equally positive in their own ways

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What did you dream about last night?

I was an assassin who had to kill an evil army of bunnies attacking me......no joke

What would you do if the girl from "the ring" was staring at you while u were sleeping and woke u up?

Piss my pants and scream like a little girl

Hiiiiii! So don't listen to those people saying mean things or whatever to you, you're awesome! Sooo yeah! Nuff said.

Thanks, it means a lot knowing that there are people who care about me :)

You guys should just stop hatin on Reise. You don't know what he's gone through or how hard he's worked. So just back off, yo.

idk who u r but thank you, u just made my day :)

Who's the person u hate most at Mitty?

I only hate one person at Mitty, everyone else is actually really cool. I'm not gonna say his name though cuz unlike him, I'm smart with my actions, but he has defiantly lied to me and disrespected me and what is mine. If ur reading this, u kno who u r...

Do u know how many people couldve taken your spot with a better GPA than u?! My best friend couldve taken ur spot and she worked hard for it and had to accept the failure, u did nothing with a shitty GPA and got in cuz ur uncle did it for u. Asshole

I do understand that which is why I feel so guilty for it. And I did work hard, I worked very hard but school isn't really something I'm strong in, and I didn't ask for any of this to happen, nor do I regret it. This year has really been one of the best years of my life so far besides all of the struggles at home. I'm sorry your friend didnt get in and I'm sorry you're upset but I can't change what has already been done, u kno?

Do you like mitty?

OMG it has seriously been the opportunity of a lifetime. Even though I am a little too shy and can be socially awkward, people still accepted me and liked me. I made friends, I got a girlfriend, teachers don't hate me and they actually want me to succeed and try and assist me as much as they can with my severe test anxiety and problem with being absentminded. I seriously couldve not wish for anything more. I really hope I can stay another year, but that may not happen

How'd you get into mitty

My uncle is like really close with the admissions office, I guess they made a deal to keep me in for at least a year. I didn't even take the HSPT, I missed it and ended my 8th grade year with a 2.5 GPA. My counselor said that they saw something in me that convinced them, but even if they did, I don't really see it :/

What do u feel most guilty for?

Getting into Mitty in an easy way, and lying to the people closest to me :/

ballz so hard, motha fuckahs wanna find me. -cookie

What's 50 grand to a muhfucka like me
Can you please remind me?


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