
Tom Simmons

Ask @TomSimmons

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i went the beach by the life boat bit and i looked at the shops and brough a stretcher and braclet xxx

nice how old are you btw ? yeah i like the looe branch (the railway line ) did you go on it ? xxx

omg im so stupid xxx

haha yeah looe is nice did you go and look around the valley at the scenery - im on my laptop now so i can chat better just got home xx

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yh we went on the ferry from plymouth then drove to this car park with the crabbs and then walked past an arcade thing all through the street and to the beach xx

it sounds a little like looe xx

ill ask my dad tomorrow :D but i think it was cornwall lol there was a car park with a river thing in and we went crabbing there xx

did you get there by car xxx

no we followed the signs to cornwall i think we went past devon i have no idea xx

find out itll be good to know xxx

i have no idea i got off the ferry from plymouth and went to the beach bit

oh so you staid in devon not cornwall xx

i went to cornwall this year :D lol i sat on the be\ach with my hoodie over my face even tho it was boiling

why you do that xx

if i told you who it was then there would be no point in being anonymous

well dont be anon then ? do i know you


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