
Tray Johnson

Ask @Tsurayu

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how are u and bunny doing?

Uh, just fine. Thanks for asking?
Heh, I guess I've always said I don't mind more personal questions on here, but I guess I didn't consider questions that revolved around me and someone else.
But yeah, things between us are doing great. Been together for a little over a month now, and madly in love with each other. I don't think I can complain about anything. XD

Finished Xillia yet?

No. I actually got myself stuck in an uncomfortable situation that kinda makes me not wanna finish the game.
I'm at the end, finished most sub-quests. All I'm doing now is cleaning up random things for Titles so I can get as much Grade at the end as possible, unfortunately I left the most boring and daunting titles for the end. So, I'm rather bored with what I'm doing right now and it's a struggle to make myself play the game to get through it.
I know I don't have to, I can take what Grade I have, go fight the final boss and have quite a bit of Grade to do a bit of what I want. However, I'm letting my completionist attitude get in the way of my enjoyment a bit. So, right now I'm just kinda stepping away from the game for a bit. I'll finish it eventually.

So what do you think of PAX so far?

I'm rather indifferent, I guess?
Truthfully, I think PAX is the least entertaining of any of these video game expos and conferences. PAX feels a bit too "showy" for me and less about the actual games that I care about. Probably doesn't help I'm not the mingling type, which seems to be a big reason why people enjoy going to PAX - to talk with friends, fellow gamers, and "celebrities".
None of that really interests me, coupled with a weak focus of actual gaming, in my opinion, and PAX is the most boring gaming event that happens each year.
Ask me about Tokyo Game Show this year, and I'll actually care. :P

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When are you coming back?

Probably tomorrow night.
I was thinking of streaming tonight, but working on my new stream picture(s) and layout has taken more time than I thought it was going to, so not likely tonight.
I wanted to use the excuse that when I stream at a regular, fixed, schedule I stopped caring about everything else around me and stopped job hunting. However, I think everyone know's that's a terrible excuse. Streaming takes up at most like five-six hours of my day. I still have plenty of time for job searching and spending time with my girlfriend.
I just can't let streaming get in my way of doing other things, but stopping streaming entirely is a bit of a leap there.

sooooooo when you going to stream non jrpgs

Nick Lopez
I just did a few nights ago?
80% of the stream is going to be JRPGs, if people don't like that, or think this is just some phase of mine, or more than welcome to go watch something else and never come back.
There will be occasional Western RPGs, you guys know how much I adore the Fallout series and the Souls series. Plus a few shooters will crop their head, from time to time, like Bioshock Infinite whenever I decide to grab that.
But the majority of the stream is JRPGs. It's the majority of what I play, what I know best, and how I think I can be the most entertaining caster.

Time to inadvertently make some people mad. What's your opinion on marriage?

Marcus (Feral)
You mean like it's definition?
Hm, I guess I'm rather open-ended with the idea. I think the idea that a marriage constitutes a relation between a man and a woman is horseshit. Call me an idealist, but I'm quite fond of the idea of it being defined as a relation between two people that love each other regardless of gender identity.
Besides, the whole "tax" crap is just an excuse for religious and moral zealots to use as a scapegoat when really they know it's nothing more than a matter of their personal morality. Funny thing about personal morals, even those people who are zealots about their views, realize how narrowminded they are - otherwise they wouldn't need scapegoats.
There? Did I make anyone inadvertently mad? <.<

What is something you personally thought you would never do until you actually did it?

Marcus (Feral)
Hmm, probably give speeches, or generally speak in front of a crowd in any capacity.
Through school, really up until my Senior year in high school, I was terrified of speaking in front of a lot of people. However, I was kinda forced to get over it because I took AP Language and Composition my Junior year in high school and we gave a few 3-minute speeches in that class. I was terrible nervous through all of them, but I could tell I was starting to break out of my shell a bit.
So, Senior year, I decided to take an actual Speech course. Yeah, that's like at least one speech every two weeks. And guess what? I got pretty good at it after the first few. Now I actually like publically speaking in front of people whether in real life or on the internet. I never thought that would happen just a decade ago.

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how are you liking xilia?

Xillia has been really good so far.
The game is poised to take over Tales of the Abyss, as the best Tales game, in my mind. The only thing preventing it from doing so, so far, is the story. I haven't beaten the game yet, so I can't and won't judge the story so far. However, no matter how much more amazing the combat and mechanics of this game have improved from all previous Tales games; if the story falls short, it won't beat out Tales of the Abyss in my mind, and the mind of a lot of the fans.
That said, OMG! The gameplay and mechanic changes have all been brilliant, and definitely help to push the series forward. I can't think of a single thing they changed that was for the worse, not one.

What is up with you not streaming much lately?

To be honest, I'm re-evaluating where I'm going with the stream at this point.
I'm spending a lot of my time with my girlfriend, and when I'm not I have been working harder (as hard as I should have been this whole time, but have been lazy the last several months) on getting a job.
Assuming I get a job, the stream will continue to be on a day-to-day basis until I get a firmer grasp on how my job will affect my time.
As much as people may not want to hear it, my priorities have changed. Streaming used to be my primary objective every day, now it's finding a job and spending time with my girlfriend. So, bare with me as I figure out where and when that leaves streaming.

What is your political affiliation?

Meh, I don't really have one.
I'm rather apathetic towards U.S. government. Lobbying power controls government now, nothing more, nothing less. The political party structure is flawed, and it's not even relevant anymore. Be you Republican, Democrat or an Independent - you are controlled by the people with the money, not your party and personal values.
People looking for "change" won't get it unless there was an actual coup in the United States, unfortunately.

What's your opinion on the new Twitch broadcasting requirements?

Aside from being a bit random, seemingly coming out of the blue, I don't mind so much.
I think too many people are jumping to conclusions before they really understand what is necessary, and what is not. However, that is partly Twitch's fault. Calling it "broadcasting requirements" wasn't really the best way to put it.
The only thing that will be an issue, and unfortunately it will end up meaning some streamers will get the boot, is the constant bitrate (CBR). CBR really is better than a variable bitrate (VBR) in nearly every way, but unfortunately CBR taxes your upload more. So, for those with a poor upload, they will be forced to constantly stream at a level that will teeter on collapsing their stream due to overtaxing their upload speed.
From a business standpoint, it's good for Twitch and it is good for most streamers. Not only will it help take some slack of off the Twitch servers, it will help end a small amount of competition for smaller streamers. But on a personal note, it's a bad move on Twitch's part given they already have a shaky relationship with their user base.

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If you could live anywhere (in the United States only) where would you live?

I have been really partial to Crescent City, California.
I went there when I was a young teenager and spent several days there. It was gorgeous. It's way up in northern California, nearing the border of Oregon. Constant, year round, temperatures ranging from around 50-60 degrees, beautiful beaches off of the Pacific. It was just... amazing.
Only thing I don't like about the city is it is a bit of a Tsunami target. The way the coast is set up, it encourages surges more so than other coastal areas, so it becomes a somewhat bigger threat than many other coastal cities. Still, compared to severe, even life threatening weather I see in Indiana, running the risk of a tsunami every several years sounds like a welcome respite.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I honestly don't know.
I don't like to think about the future that much. I spent my whole life worrying about the future too much that I became positively scared of it, and refused to grow up or do anything.
Now I much rather just live day-to-day. As long as I'm happy in the moment, and can seek to make myself happy the next day - that is enough for me.
Oh sure, if something ever mature happened in my life like a family issue, or should things get serious with my girlfriend, then I'd have to start thinking things ahead a bit more. However, short of that, I don't want to think about five years from now, too much of a headache.

Are you and Bunny dating?

Haha, too obvious was it?
Yes. Bunny and I are dating.
Was fun teasing each other on stream and seeing who would figure it out. She enjoys torturing me a bit too much during my stream. XD

Just a Recommendation/Question. What If Your Raid was... Tsurayu Tsunami (Kappa if wanted)

Haha, I don't know. Couldn't hurt to try.
I need something though. Seems to make all the difference. Kappa.

y so much drama on Twitch TV?

I'd say 95% of it boils down to jealousy.
Most of the trolling, the drama, the anger, the rage quitting, it boils down to being jealous of someone else on Twitch. Twitch has become an entirely competitive business and there is always going to be someone "better" than you are. Better at games, better at being funny, gets better numbers, etc...
Everyone wants to be successful and popular on Twitch, but most won't succeed; and many people don't know how to deal with that realization.

Why is it that you can't see who follows you here?

I don't know. I'm not someone who works for this website. XD
If I had to take a guess, it's for privacy reasons. The whole draw of Ask.FM is to be able to ask questions anonymously to someone either because you are shy or because you want to ask someone something without having to have your identity attached.
Knowing who follows you, gives you a likely indication of people who are probably asking you questions, and that would betray the whole point of being able to remain completely anonymous when asking questions.

Been watching SGDQ?

A bit, yes.
I watched Cosmo doing Ocarina of Time, and later watched Siglemic doing Super Mario 64, and his race with Sicko.
It was nice seeing Cosmo, Siglemic, Jape, Jiano and Sicko. I was around watching them when they first started forming the SRL Twitch team. I say we need to pull Jiano out of retirement! He was by far the most entertaining of the SRL racers. :3

Lurker or chatter?

I tend to lurk a lot.
An unfortunate byproduct of streaming myself, at least attempting a schedule, is I don't spend as much time watching streams as I used to. And usually when I do, I'm only ever lurking because I may not actually be watching at any given minute. So, I choose not to start a conversation with anyone because I may not be there to respond the next minute, and I find that a rude thing to do to someone.
I will chat sometimes though, if I know I'm going to be around to actually carry a conversation with the streamer and fellow viewers alike.

you streaming?

Yes. I will be streaming tonight. Should be able to finish Golden Sun this week.
Yeah, sorry about the flakey end of last week guys. My roommate came home Thursday afternoon and I wanted to hang out with him and catch up on things since I had seen him for a couple of months.
Then on Friday I needed to talk with the editor-in-chief of Geimaku about my new writing position and wanted to get all of that straightened out so I could get to writing as soon as possible.
But anyway, point is, all of that is squared away now. So, as far as I can tell, there shouldn't be any interruptions this week. We will finish Golden Sun and start Xillia on Tuesday night!

If the you now could meet the you from five years ago, what would you tell yourself?

I would probably tell myself to grow thicker skin.
I can admit to be a very emotional person, too emotional at times. Even now, I sometimes let things affect me more than they should. Sometimes you have to let things roll off your back, chip off the shoulder and move on.
The me of five years ago had no concept of that. I threw away a good, stable, job all because I couldn't handle the slightest bit of pressure that my managers put on me. And I can admit that their demands were not unreasonable, just my reaction to them.
However, on the bright side, if I hadn't, if I continued to have that job, I may never have started streaming. So, yeah, every cloud has a silver lining, I guess? XD

Do you think there are streamers out there who dont' deserve the success they have?

Sure. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't. I'm fairly certain everyone feels that way about at least one caster, and if they say they don't then they are probably lying.
Twitch is as much a competitive business as it is a place to relax and play games. There will always be those who are successful by doing things that you don't agree with or even find dubious. It happens.
I mean there are successful casters on Twitch that I find very un-entertaining or those casters that I think got their success in a manner that I don't agree with. However, you just have to let that thing roll off your back. You worry too much about everyone else then you won't have any fun yourself.

What's Geimaku?

Geimaku is an internet journalism blog. An Asian video game news site, to be even more specific.
I have been frequenting their site for several months now, and recently they mentioned they were looking for new writers, so I casually mentioned that I was interested in writing for them as opposed to my previous writing position with GDiNews - saying Geimaku was a "better fit".
Well, the next day the editor-in-chief of Geimaku tweeted me back and asked me to e-mail him, so we could talk more about my interest.
Fast forward a few hours, and I found myself as Geimaku's newest writer.

Ever fallen for someone only to be rejected?

Oh yeah, a couple of times.
To be honest, going through one of those situations right now, in fact. Never gets any easier or less painful the older you get or the more times you have been through it.


Language: English