
Tray Johnson

Ask @Tsurayu

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What are some qualities you look for in a streamer that make you want to stick around and watch them?

To be honest, I tend to watch for the game before I watch for the streamer.
However, when it comes to multiple people streaming the same game, or the few streamers I frequent regardless of what games they happen to stream, it usually boils down to their interaction.
Problem is, everyone thinks they have to be funny or have to emulate the more popular streamers. While being a funny kind of entertaining streamer is certainly a plus, if you aren't a funny person then it doesn't necessarily mean you will be a boring, and therefore fail caster. Another, rarer and often times more enjoyable trait I find is a streamer who is informative. Explain to me things about the game. Teach me things I didn't know about the game, make me want to play it, and come to you whenever I want advice on the game. A streamer who teaches me something will leave a much longer, lasting, impression on me than one who can crack a joke on occasion.

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What was the first game you ever streamed? When?

First game I streamed was a little over two years ago, and it was Majora's Mask.
I don't typically keep an archive of all of my videos, but I do have a highlight of what I believe was my third day ever streaming - http://www.twitch.tv/tsurayu/c/1255516

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What is your least favorite anime that most others enjoy?

Lovely Complex. Hands down.
I love romance anime, but I positively despise everything about Lovely Complex from the characters, and their characterizations, to the art style. There is nothing appealing about that anime to me.

If someone gave you 1000000 and told you that you had 2 hours to spend it all, how would you do it?

Marcus (Feral)
Realistically? Lots of bonds and stuff...
But nah. Probably lots of games, collect some of my favorite sci-fi shows on Blu-Ray, some anime here and there. And probably go to down on my tiny hentai collection. #Kappa

Why do you dislike Norma and Moses?

Moses I don't really. I don't like him in battle, but he's an otherwise fun character. I just like to poke fun of him because the characters in the game all like to gang up on him, too.
Norma... Norma just sucks. She's completely annoying and overbearing. Though, she does chill a bit during her Character Quest. Suppose I'll have to get around to doing those eventually.

How's the stream growth going?

Stagnating, to be honest.
In fact, we've actually lost a bit. Back when I was streaming Persona 4, we were usually hitting an average count of around twenty to twenty-five people a night. Now, with Tales of Legendia we are only averaging around fifteen. But that happens, Tales of Legendia is arguably one of the least popular games of the Tales series, and as many people come to the stream for the game as they do for me specifically.
I would still like to see growth, but I will be fair and admit I'm not doing much to make it happen, so I can't expect much. The past week I've been sick, and still recovering a bit, so I'm not doing much outside of streaming such as helping out, being friendly, and as a return cross-promoting my stream with other GameOn and VarietyTV casters, and that's a big part of growth I'm not hitting on right now.
I'll get back to it eventually though. Only time will tell.

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What was that about your Twitter versus your Tumbler I didn't catch it at the end of your stream?

Well, I initially decided I wanted to create a Tumblr as another avenue for spreading the word, and advertising my stream. Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard.
However, once I started playing around with it, I found out that I really enjoy Tumblr and like what I can do with it. So now, as opposed to using it for advertisement related purposes, I decided to make it more of an actual blog related to the stream and for myself in general.
It's no secret I'm a rather opinionated person, and I like to talk about what I think and what I feel. However, a lot of my opinions differ with others, as is a "issue" with all of us. Well, unfortunately many people, without naming names, get rather annoyed with my dissenting opinions on matters on Twitter to the point of DMing me about it, calling me out on it in the middle of the Twitter feed, and even unfollowing me over it.
Well, my Tumblr is the solution to that. I made it very clear on Twitter, and I make it clear whenever I bring it up on my stream, that my Tumblr is for me. It's for my rants, my opinions, and my general goofiness - a place to let that all loose to myself, and to anyone who potentially cares what I think. So, if people don't like that then don't follow my Tumblr. Plain and simple. I will try to keep my Twitter more "clean" and business oriented so, it should be a win-win for everyone.

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What kind of phone do ya have?

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2.
Suits me just fine as my first smart phone. I can't vouch for the S4, but I know the S3's upgrades were so pitiful, that owning one was a waste of time, and I feel sorry for those people who think they have to get a new phone every year and replaced their S2's with S3's.
Anyway, I like my phone. I'll even take this question a step further and say I love Androids and I am not crazy about Apple products as a whole, and have no intention of ever trying an iPhone.

Resident Evil isn't a jRPG.

That, sir or madam, is not a question.
But yeah, I never once stated that JRPGs, or more specifical RPGs in general, would be the only thing played on stream. Have you forgotten about Multiplayer Fridays already?
Yes, RPGs are my main focus because they are what I play, and what I know, best. But that doesn't mean that I won't take a break from that genre now and again to play some other games. In fact, I'll relish the idea. As much as I love RPGs, the thought of only ever playing them sickens me, as I think anyone would for any genre that happens to be their favorite. No one can play the same genre of games all the time, I believe they are lying if they say to the contrary.

When are you coming back?

Monday at the latest.
Sorry about that guys. I was pretty sick earlier in the week, but to be fair, I was better by Wednesday/Thursday. But, I decided to take a break the rest of the week while I was at it. Been having a bit of an emotional, bumpy, roller coaster with a couple of my friends and I knew my somewhat nonchalant attitude would appear on stream, and that wouldn't be very entertaining would it?

Could you post a program that can dictate if your computer can handle streaming with OBS and make a Tsurayu guide to what you would need to stream PC games using OBS? -Wicked

I have no idea of such program. Most computers are capable of running OBS. The only issue there is there are some integrated graphics chipsets (mostly ones found in old laptops) that OBS is not compatible with, but I don't believe there is even a compiled list of what those chipsets are, unfortunately.
I wouldn't exactly be the best person to make a comprehensive guide on how to stream PC games, since I almost never do stream PC games, but I do know as much about OBS as any other caster does. It wouldn't be a terribly useful guide given that my computer can't really run any games though.

What's the sappiest anime you've watched to completion?

In general, I'd say Clannad and Clannad After Story.
However, in terms of general air time-to-sappiness I'd probably have to say Air has the most sappiness.

y do u life rpgs they suck u gonna play some fighting or racing games like wwe or 2k

Fighting games are bleh for me. I like Soul Calibur, but only when I'm playing with friends who also have no skill and it just turns into a fun game of who can mash buttons faster and cause a better clusterfuck.
WWE? I have three words to say to that "Go" "To" and "Hell". Wrestling might be the single dumbest thing in the world, and a game version of it. Lawl. :P
Only racing games I enjoy are the arcady ones like Mario Kart.

favorite gun game and when you playing cod and will you play resiztance?

Um... favorite shooter? I suppose I would have to pick Bioshock. But if you take a TPS/RPG hybrid then I'd have to say the Mass Effect games.
And never and no. <.<

What happened to Speedrun Saturdays?

On hold, I guess?
I'd still like to learn to speedrun Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, but instead of doing it on an emulator and having to deal with the possibility of people questioning my legitimacy, I think I'll wait until I can afford to buy in on the Wii Virtual Console.
So until then, it's on hold.

you goin to play cod/shooters on friday or just mario cart garbage

Daww, garbage. You little Nintendo hater, you. Oh wait, that's me. <.<
Anyway, not likely. I'm pretty much done with shooters. I know some aren't going to want to hear this, but I think they are all the same now, at least in the multiplayer department. "What Battlefield and Call of Duty totally aren't the same!" Yeah, well the distinction between the two has been lost on me over the last couple of years. It's all blurring together into this mess of gray and guns.
That isn't to say I don't still enjoy some shooters that have good story elements, and a great single-player campaign. But as far as multiplayer focused shooters go, I think I'm done. Unless something comes along and just woos me over like a love-struck girl, it's not going to happen.
Besides, I don't really like the idea of playing a shooter on the PS3, and right now I have little intention of playing for Xbox Gold anymore, and to be honest, still contemplating selling my 360.

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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

You are saying how much wood "would" it chuck? Meaning that it isn't going to chuck any wood. So this question is hypothetical at best, paradoxical at worst.

What's your favorite party for Persona 3 and Persona 4?

My stance on my favorite party is pretty much the same in both games - covering all the elemental basis.
So in three, I usually have Yukari, Akihiko and Mitsuru. So, I have dedicated Garu, Zio and Bufu skills with also good healing, status ailments, and physical attacks. That leaves me to pick up Agi. I also make sure to carry a Persona with Hama and/or Mudo skills, too. I don't really worry about Almighty. Nuke (Almighty) isn't nearly as useful as it was in Revelations: Persona.
Same goes for four. Yosuke for Garu and status ailments, Yukiko for Agi and healing, and Teddie for Bufu and healing, too. I could sub in Chie for Teddie, and many people do. But I personally find Teddie to be more useful. Yeah, Chie has great physical attacks, but I usually bring a Persona along that is good in that department, so I take care of that. Plus having two good healers in a game that is arguably more challenging than three is a plus. So yeah, that leaves me with a good Zio Persona, but also at the end I WILL ALWAYS carry a Trumpeter. Sure, not the best Zio Persona, but everything else about that Demon is amazing. If you don't carry a Trumpeter with you once you have access to it, all the way to the end, then you are a fool. :P

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Also, what is this Twitch Politics you keep talking about? No other streamer brings this up.

I find that exceptionally hard to believe.
As for what I mean, it's written right there. There is definite Twitch politics, as there are politics everywhere you go.
I just am more vocal about politics on Twitch because Twitch is my home more so than anywhere else on the net; and as a general rule of thumb, I hate politics on the internet. It almost always leads to bad experiences.
The main issue I have with Twitch politics is in encourages favoritism among the elite. For example, there are those casters who have become Partners are Subscriptions that haven't even come close to the general guidelines for admission. Granted, they are guidelines and not rules, but I'm not talking by a few dozen, I'm talking +100 off on the numbers. Sure, one could argue that is because Twitch sees the "potential" in that caster, and they are willing to gamble on that person's "likely" success. But call me critical, but I find that more of a front to be an excuse towards favoritism. Those Partners and Subscriptions who don't meet the general guidelines are all very buddy-buddy with more well known casters, or even the Staff and Administrators.

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Don't you think you went really overboard with your reaction to the maintenance?

Yeah, I suppose I did.
I definitely over-reacted, but by a general stance, I stand by my opinion.
Twitch could have done a better job giving everyone fairer warning that this was happening. Sure they alerted those who happened to be viewing their Twitter, but I don't think it unreasonable that they have a method to alert streamers who are currently online. It was very annoying to find out after the fact.
My main issue was after the fact when I saw several of the volunteer Admin team trying to calm people down, and a few even borderline telling people to shut up and deal with it. That is never the right thing to tell customers, paying or non-paying, period. It reeks of the argument that just because the majority of us don't pay to use Twitch, we have no right to comment or complain about how Twitch operates, and that simply couldn't be farther from the truth. While Twitch's Partners are important, if all of us non-Partners disappeared they wouldn't be able to exist, no way around that. So, it annoys me when I hear that I have no voice because if it wasn't for me, and others like me, there would be no Twitch.

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Did anyone overreact to the TwitKiss stuff like Salad thought they would?

Haha, I don't know. Ask Salad?
It doesn't seem like anyone did. Oh, I would imagine someone might be a bit bothered by it, it will always happen that someone will take offense at something meant to be a joke, or it would so happen that someone wishes it was more serious than a joke. However, no one seems to be outwardly displaying any issues, so that's good.

Why didn't you finish Persona 4 on stream?

Um, how to put this... too difficult?
I'm a bit of a completionist freak when I play either Persona 3 or Persona 4. And with the amount I engage the chat, I found myself making a lot of careless mistakes and screwing up my Social Links. Until I can find someway to balance talking to you guys and playing the game without losing my concentration so easily, I probably won't be bringing that back for awhile. ^_^;;


Language: English