

Ask @Tylerthatsme

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You do realise Manuel is the biggest slut going and sends messages like you get to everyone

He isnt a slut leave him alobe
Liked by: Matt

Tbh: I haven't talked to you in a while. You're cool and fun to talk to. You're a sexy beast(; no homo lol

Lol thanks

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Ok bae! I love youuuuuuuu :) you're perfect :* -manny

I love u too ♡♡♡♡♡ your even more perfect ;)

Yay ok :) -manny

I should go to bed bae i was up early....and im tired too. Tomorrow we will talk more but goodnight till nkw bae :**

Doesn't fucking matter. Its child porn. He can go to jail. You have no defense. Hes also coming onto a 15 year old. He can also go to jail for that.

Its nit illegal

I bet you arent 18. Him asking you sexual questions? Another federal offense. Peace.

Im not 18 and idrc what he asks me its called ASK.FM with asj right in the fucking title..if i didnt wabt to answer it i wouldnt have so leave him alone.


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