

Ask @Tylerthatsme

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If u really loved her then u would have known she wrote the poems it was so obvious

I knew it was, I just thought she needed her space.

Then u don't love her u would no she wrote those If u Did

I did think it was her, and I know its her right now, mickey you know I know its u

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Y'all need to leave him alone ok just stop so what he's gay so what he gets mad easily so what he different and yes he has a lot of problems oh well just leave him alone

Thank you :) that helps

You have a boyfriend and your talking to all these guys , ur stupid

I'm doing nothing with them, its not bad.

No one is suffering and I Grounded my self from kik cause I can't talk to him on there we r on a break it's for the best though am I ugly am I pathetic do I deserve what I have I give and get but I'm not selfish I'm kind sweet . I try I guess I'm just not good enough

You are good enough, I may not know u but everyone is worth it.

i'm sad and you seem like a good person to talk to about my problems

I am, I know what your going through.

I won't I can't I've found my way out and it's not the chicken way it's the hard way the struggle the sadness the depression oh well all I have to do is wait until god really wants me he doesn't want me rite now I'll be fine I'm just hidden for awhile until the timer rings

Do you want to talk? I can talk you through it, kik me please, I don't want anyone suffering.


Language: English