

Ask @Tylerthatsme

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Awwwww! That is adorbs!! The irony is magnificent. (I totally call this one. just saying :D)

Yeah! :)

Welcome. I kinda had ta throw in a Disney quote. Its was just to good to skip

Yeah totally..its weird cause I'm actually watching that movie with my boyfriend rightnow

I get that. This is a website after all. Just keep swimming :) if Dory can then you can too

Lol thanks.

Welcome! Keep your head up. When my sister gets made fun of for liking the other sex she just tells them to f off and that its not their concern.

I do try too..its harder here.

Nope. Sorry! I should have put a tab thing up. Don't listen to them. They don't have anything better to do beside be dumb arses. #thoseretardshavenolife

Okay thank you! It means a lot

First off, being gay isnt a sin; nowhere in the 10 commandments does it say, "Thou shalt not be homo in the name of the holy father" NO it doesn't so sit the fuck down. Second, GET A LIFE & stop worrying about other people. Third, Have fun getting a girlfriend you homophobic prick. Lastly, FUCK OFF

Thank you! <3

It is ur choice you should date a girl maybe you will become straight, Bye.

I did date a girl and I don't like them like that...its isn't a fucking choice.
Liked by: MAX

If you believe in God you should know that being gay is a sin and god created us to get attracted to the opposite gender and you will go to hell .

Yeah I know its a sin in the church but being gay isn't a choice..I didn't choose to be gay

When you realised you are gay .. and what ur parents think about it?

I realized I was gay when I wasn't finding girls attractive and looking more at guy...and my mom took it well but my dad didn't.


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