
Utah Mormon Guy

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So what if I met someone, and like I didn't want to date them or anything like that, just be friends (and I think they just wanted that too), but then they just stopped talking to me for a long time... Do you think they just think I'm weird? Or like just don't want to be friends with me anymore?

That's an interesting situation. I have had this happen to me before several times and each time it was because of different reasons. So I don't really have a straight answer on that. Like for example for me once the girl stopped talking to me because she thought I was liking her too much. And another time the girl stopped talking to me because she like me too much and didn't want to. So i mean it all just depends!

Do you think any guy would ever want to date a girl who suffers from anxiety, depression, and has a majorly screwed up life? It seems like most guys only want girls with minor issues...

Yes I do. Because I am one of those guys. We all have our problems and thats what we are here for is to help each other out and get through this thing called life! Im not saying thats what I look for in a girl but if she has those problems that doesnt detract my interest in her. If I can help her ease her anxiety and comfort her and help her in any way I can then thats what I'll do.

So I like a guy in my ward, but I don't feel good enough. Any advice?

well first off, stop thinking that. You think that and you are automatically killing any chances you have with said guy. No person is too good for anyone. We all have flaws and NOBODY is perfect which makes no person better than everyone else. Also just be yourself! no worries! Just remember in the end things will ALWAYS work out! We dont reach perfection in this life, it comes in the next life! But things always get better and work out! So just keep trusting in the Lord and you will be good!
Liked by: Emily


Language: English