
Utah Mormon Guy

Ask @UtahMormonGuy

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Just read through some of your questions....some people ask you the most random shit about themselves. Seems like they just want attention :(

yeah oh well it keeps me entertained sometimes!

what do you personally find attractive in girls for each of these -----> - physical - personality - spiritual.

What do you mean? Like which one do I think is most important of what?

What is your opinion on gay/lesbian/bi Mormons?

Thats you're choice, all are welcome to come follow Christ, you know where the church stands on it but I love you all just the same :)
Liked by: Anna Neubert

What can spoil your day?

The only thing that can spoil my day is myself. Nobody or anything can force me to feel anything. Its my choice to let it bother me or not.
Liked by: Forever Unique

Have you ever questioned your faith? Be honest... Have there ever been pieces that just dont.. fit together?

Ive had questions about my faith but never doubts about it. Yes there have been times where the pieces didnt seem to fit TO ME, but that doesnt mean they didnt fit, I just needed to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and you know what sometimes I never got the answer I wanted for that question right away, it came at the time I NEEDED it to come and not when I WANTED it to come. We are here in this life to learn and grow, and you know what there is times we will ask questions we will never get the answer to in this life. but that doesnt mean we will never get the answer. You just keep going at life and keep having faith!

What would be your 11:11 wish?

For everyone in my life to be happy and have a wonderful day tomorrow!

What do you think about boys who break up with girls over text?

Definitely aren't worth your time. They can at least show you enough respect to do it in person or AT LEASE on the phone.

I'm LDS, and always have been. I often worry about getting married though. I have sever medical problems (my medication costs a ton.) I often have anxiety, and because of panic attacks I hate leaving the house. I don't see why any guy would want to put up with all the garbage I have -- and that's no

Just keep having faith in God that he will have someone for you! :) Anyone would be lucky to have you! Dont let Satan discourage you by point out and dwelling on your flaws! You are a beautiful daughter of God and He will never give you anything you cant over come! Remember God is always there for you!
Liked by: Tiffany Rachel

If a girl was having a tough day, hadn't gotten sleep the night before, and showed up in front of you with messy hair, a wrinkled shirt, and red eyes with bags under them, would you automatically think that she was having a tough day, or would you think she was just sloppy?

Having a rough day.

Okay UtahMormonGuy, I am dying to know. What is your opinion on girls wearing make up? I've heard guys say that girls are pretty without it -- but when all of the other girls wear makeup I feel the girls who don't are kind of at a disadvantage.

personally I like girls with little to no make-up! It should should be used to enhance your beauty NOT cover it up. Every girl I have seen without make up on, which is quite a few, look better without it. :) I LOVE seeing girls natural beauty! :)

:O I'm jealous! :O So lucky! Today my sister went to her first young woman's thing, she had a lot of fun she said! :)

thats awesome!! haha Im glad she had fun!

Do you think David Archuleta is a great singer too? I wish he was in my town since he's on a mission now. :)

Yeah I do! I went to his concert my sophomore year!

okay so i got this dumb idea and started cutting.....i need help, i cant tell my parents about this.

You need to talk to your parents about it. They are the only ones who can help you. They love you and want whats best for you. If they freak out, its really because they love you! Trust me. Just think about who you would feel if your child came to you with the same problem? Think about how you'd feel and how youd react. God gave you a body to take care of not to harm. Go to him for help every time you want to cause harm to yourself. HE will help you too! He loves you and wants whats best for you! He will NEVER give a situation you cant handle. :) Dont give up! Dont Quit! YOU CAN DO THIS! :) Im cheering and praying for you!

If someone tells you something bad about someone else, do you believe them?

I like to form my own opinions on people so I usually take negative comments with a grain of salt.
Liked by: Rachel

Say a girl added you on Facebook... you don't really know her, but she likes one of your older profile pictures. If you made that your current profile picture after that, does that mean you might like her? (Trying to get a guy's perspective!) :)

It could mean that I guess. I definitely could see that happening! haha


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