
Utah Mormon Guy

Ask @UtahMormonGuy

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I'm kind of asking for boy advice. I like this RM, he's great. We hang out often, go out to concerts and always have a great conversation. We hit it off together pretty quickly. Everyone says he likes me, but him & I talked and he said he didn't want to hurt me or lead me on. But still flirts. Help?

welll he kind of is leading you on by flirting with you. and I mean I saw your other question too and yeah Id be scared to bring it up again too. But I would rather do it instead chancing being hurt more in the future!

Old question but, your reaction when they announced the age limit for missions when it went down?

I was excited for my friends! I am 20 so it didnt really affect me! haha

Wow the Accepts compliments hit me hard! I'm not good at that!

yeah it hit me hard too, when I was talking to someone about how I thought I was confident and then they complimented me and I didnt accept it very well and they were like "THATS NOT BEING CONFIDENT!" so I was like wow youre right!

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Would you ever get married to a non-mormon?

Probably not. That being because we would believe in different things and Ive seen people do this and its brought nothing but heart ache down the road in their marriage.

what does confident mean to you!?

Accepts compliments when they are given. Knows their weaknesses but doesn't let that get them down! :)

What's your favorite part about being LDS? (:

The happiness I feel because of it! They way it has improved my life I JUST LOVE IT ALL!!! HAHAHA
Liked by: Rachel

Why can't Mormons drink alcohol?

Because it is an addictive substance that can impair judgement, and we dont partake of things that can become addictive because we believe we always need to be mentally strong and aware of whats going on around us
Liked by: Forever Unique

Because it's not something you hear all the time. Just good choice of words!

haha well thanks! :)

Awesome! :) I don't know what to do, I have a prom coming up, but im not 16 yet, Is it still ok if I hang out with my friends most of the time, and do like 1 dance with the person I like?

I dont see how that would be any different from a stake dance! Seems fine to me.

What's your favourite article of faith?

I love all of them! Because it tells the world what we believe!


Language: English