
Utah Mormon Guy

Ask @UtahMormonGuy

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i agree. i love being a mormon, there's any complaint about it , i'm proud of what i am and i like meeting ppl who thinks the same :)

I know it is truly a wonderful thing! I owe so much to the Lord. He has saved me many time and Im sure will continue to save me many more!

for you what is the best part of being a mormon?

I truly love all of it. I have found out so much about myself that I know I wouldnt have any other way. Not very helpful I know but its the truth!

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Why are you a Mormon?

Because I have come to find out for myself that the Book Of Mormon to be the word of God and that what it teaches is true! :D

Have you already went?

kind of. Spent 2 weeks in the MTC and had to come home. But I am returning to the field!

Oh that is good! Just got carried off their! Lol and that is sad you did not go with them!

hahaha its all good! lol they left us on purpose! xP

I'm sure you'll go there one day!! It's pretty cool!!!;) Sorry didn't mean to sound like I was bragging:/

Oh no you didnt! My parents have been to there but not me haha!

Hahah that is okay!!!! :) I have been to Kansas, Farwest, Hans mail, You know that one story Where Joses Smith Is chained to the floor, Any stands up and tells him to be quiet? I seen the little cabin! Winter quarters, All the places back there pretty much! I got to see where Joseph Smith Is buried

Woah! Totes jealous!

Mmkay, thanks for the advice :) I've been wanting to start my own anon for a while but idk

Do it! DM me and I'll help ya get started give you a s/o and such! haha

That is sooo cool you have been their! So have I!!! :)but I have been to other too! :)

Oh nice! Like where?! #lol Im asking questions! haha

That's easier said than done

I know! You just be super interactive with the people you follow and your followers!


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