
Utah Mormon Guy

Ask @UtahMormonGuy

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Ok so my sister is leaving to the MTC tomorrow (shes going to argentina) and im having a really hard time with it, what should i do?

riley hilton
I know it's hard but just remember she is leaving your family for a while so others can be with their families for eternity. I know it's hard but she is doing the Lords will. She will be okay! :) and so will you! :)
Liked by: leana

In your own words explain to me the plan of salvation

Rugby Mormon
It is a way God has set up for use to gain knowledge and receive a body so we can return to him. I'm keeping it simple here.

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Do you have a girlfriend? And if not would you date someone non lds?

madison howe
Uhhh it's kind of complicated at the moment. And I have dated a nonmember and it was difficult because our beliefs were so different.
Liked by: madison howe

Haha idk. I saw you getting questions from girls so I put whatever word started with b on my phone. Butts came up -_-

Andrew Jacob Torres
Bahaha! Apparently Grady has secretly been asking me questions and he says I've treated his questions like they were from girls. O.o

If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?

Uhhhh does a minion count? Because basically they have fun! Like allllllll the time
Liked by: Daisy


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