
Utah Mormon Guy

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i just found out something awful...my whole life has been a lie...i feel betrayed..i dont even know who to trust anymore...i just found out..Popcorn doesnt even come from an apricot tree...i dont know what to do anymore :(

Wait. It doesn't?! Please tell me you're kidding! What's next?! Jesus DOESNT want me for a sunbeam?! Ugh I don't know if I could handle that!

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Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while?

Depends on the person and the situation. And if you are ready!

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

It would be called how not to write a book because I suck at writing and I hate reading even more
Liked by: Eponine∞

I want to learn what you believe. Most of my Mormon friends don't ever want to talk about anything "religious" and "Jesus related". But also I want to share things I have learned and I now as fact. I am not talking about "my truth" there's no such thing. There is only The Truth that God taught.

Victoria Ray
That is perfectly fine. And I am so sad to hear that your friends don't want to talk about it. That is really a sad thing.

I think this might not be a good thing to do. Because if you don't know me and trust me then you would have no reason to trust what I say. I'm not saying that you think i am a total liar but I think with the questions I am asking it would be better to know each other and you can't over the web.

Victoria Ray
Hey I give people the benefit of the doubt. I trust people until they give me a reason not to. So I am more than willing to answer the questions you have :)

Sorry i will go back to what you said. I just want to keep us on track and not jump all over the place. Let's try to get an answer for each subject before we move on. Does that sound good?

Victoria Ray
I'm fine with answering your questions, but what exactly is your intention? To learn more about what I believe or are you trying to prove me wrong with something?

Wait before i address what you said. Please would you give a straight on answer for what i asked. I'll repeat "But don't you think God would be able to keep his word whole and understandable."

Victoria Ray
He is very much able to do that but it doesn't mean he does. And he has kept his word pure just not that way. He can see the bigger picture. Everything that happens is part of his plan.

Ok then. I do see what you are saying about all the different versions. But don't you think God would be able to keep his word whole and understandable. Don't you think he would make it so that no matter what translation people could always get the real meaning out of it?

Victoria Ray
Then how would we truly learn for ourselves? We have our agency a gift that God gave us. Not even God can interfere with that gift. So if someone chose rewrite his word, then someone did. And we do have his untainted word, it's the Book of Mormon. And that's why we have it. To clarify those misinterpretations that have come from the bible. It's not to replace the bible don't think im say that. It's to compliment the bible.

Sorry i meant what is your stand point. So if other words do you just believe people when they say the bible is translated incorrectly or do you go find out for yourself. And if you think the bible is translated incorrectly what is your proof?

Victoria Ray
No I find out for myself. That's the only true way to know and understand something. And it's not that hard to realize that there are some mistranslations. Just look at how many different versions of the bible there are! The bible has been picked at and rewritten since its creation. So of course there are mistranslations.


Language: English