Robby Donoho


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What were you and that Noah kid from Baldwyn talking about on Twitter?

He had to stand the whole game on the Baldwyn bench due to there not being enough chairs to sit on the bench so he stood the whole game. What a warrior. He's given himself the title "WCBI Best Bench Player in the State" which I fully support.

What about them bearcats? Coach Craven said it best " when that bearcat spirit comes out, there is nothing that we can't do "

Austin Roberts
Without a doubt. I talked to him after the game and he told me the exact same thing. That's not something that shows up in that scorebook or the box score. It's something unique Baldwyn has that will make them a terror for any other team to face the rest of the way

Be honest, did you ever think Baldwyn was gonna lose tonight?

Hah I'll be honest, there were quite a few times I thought it was over. But truly, there was always that thought in the back of my head that Baldwyn could come back. Even down 20. Such a large lead never felt so un-nerving.

East Webster beat taylorsville 50-36 tonight. Are you surprised?

Not at all. EW has State Championship aspirations and Taylorsville was not going to stop them


One of the greatest basketball comebacks I've ever witnessed. Unreal what Baldwyn did tonight!

What's your thought on Hatley girl and boys in basketball?

It's a tough season for them right now but they're still working hard and that's what is important!


Hard to say if any players stood out. I think the team as a whole played well. I thought Preston Dill had a good game in the paint.

In your opinion, who do you think will win the 2a girls basketball state championship this year?

I think Coahoma County is still the team to beat but it's going to be a battle with East Webster still at the top of the state!

My parents are also divorced, and I already have a address in the county that I could use.

Then that's something you can use to your advantage if you want to stay with your other parent. But be absolutely certain that what you're trying to do will be cleared by the MHSAA. They can be difficult to deal with sometimes.

What should mantachie do to make their offensive game better?

Pretty simple: make your lay-ups. Mustangs missed A LOT of easy buckets inside today.
Liked by: Nick Blake

Because I can not stand the coach I'm playing for. I start, but he is a terrible coach. And he doesn't care about his players, and I feel like he is hurting my chances of going to college. And an in county school coach I know can help me get to college. But idk the rules for eligibility.

You have to be careful transferring for 'athletic' reasons. If you can make a case academically, the MHSAA may be more lenient. But if you decide to transfer to another school in your own county, then you have to move to that area of the school and then may not get a chance to play since the MHSAA will see you moved for athletic reasons. Be careful with all of that. Try and stick it out and do the best you can. I know it may not be a great situation, but maybe a sit-down with the coach will help or something along those lines.
Liked by: Nick Blake

Did mantachie look good today?

They went threw a spell in the 3rd quarter where they had the game within 3 points and they really hung tough. Played hard, just couldn't close it out.

Are you going to the basketball tourny at choctaw county?

I am not unfortunately. I'm at New Albany all day today for the Hotbed Classic! We'll have someone there for the action though from WCBI!
Liked by: Nick Blake


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