
Yamaris M. Gonzalez

Ask @YamaChan

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What is your main rule?

Be positive in life, and where it all looks like there's no light in the end of the tunnel, there is. You just have to keep going.

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What makes you angry?

Lots of things. But, basically? Things that people fail to realize that are important to me, and yet to them sometimes it isn't or not at all.

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

Toughie, I'd say between Italy, Japanese or Chinese? I would love to speak either, and I can't really choose. But, Japanese seems to be winning at the moment, so let's say that one?

Could you live without a computer?

Not really. Not just because no 'me' time on the net, but I have friends that I cannot contact unless it's via the net[mainly MSN] because the world and society sucks balls and stuff. :'c

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

I'm easily scared. I...don't remember? Last one I saw was Paranormal Activity 3.

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

That...I'm not so sure. I'm picky about cars, but whichever catches my eye really XD

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Hmm...29? Probably married already, child already or two. Working, and making money with my wonderful now then husband, and see where life takes us on it's next adventure!

How do you greet your friends?

With kicks, or punches, or nipple twists. Or the usual: hug them to death and grin XD


Language: English