
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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You are the most gorgeous girl on this freaking planet, do't you ever forget that, okay? <3

Aw omg <3 you just made my night thank you so much :) who is this?

Even if its the past he should not have said that.

Well no one should call anyone a mean name when they know they're only saying it out of anger. But hey, stuff happens. Everything happens for a reason.

I guess he was a asshole back then.

I wouldn't say that, he was just mad for some reason. People say things they don't mean all the time. It's the past.

Why dont you talk to him anymore

I don't really talk to guys since I'm with Lucas, and we drifted apart in I think it was 8th grade. Plus he called me a slut a while back after a bad fight we had so idk ..

Thoughts on Joel

Joel? Oh jeez, we were good friends & we dated for a day but I guess it just didnt work out! I don't talk to him anymore but he's a nice guy!
Liked by: Joey Saez

I don't give a fuck what you think bitch. I'd say it to your face but I have more self respect

You know how much sense that makes? None. You can call me any name you please to make you feel better about yourself, but I am NOT a bad person. I go out of my way to help people, not make fun of them. I've been down that road, and I will never go back. You don't even know me, you don't know anything bout me. If I'm mean to you, it's because you've inflicted It on yourself. And if you have more 'self respect' then you wouldn't be cyber-bullying. Oh,
And you know I have family members that work for law enforcement and military that can easily track down your computer type and serial number and can find out who you are? So if you'd like to not get in trouble, I'd keep your comments to yourself instead of getting yourself in trouble. (: have a nice night!

"She's so flat chested" I know you've said it before and I know who you said it about

I've never used those words in my life. No girl is flat chested unless they're 5-6 years old
you can make up any name, any phrase or sentence but I know what I would say about someone and what I wouldn't. You think youre so strong by hiding behind a computer screen. How about you come say it to my face? Or how about I turn anon off and you won't say shit then. How about that?

You claim you wish you were a B cup then you go and make fun of girls with a B cup, bitch. Don't say you don't I know you do you have said it and I have heard it

I've NEVER made fun of a girl for their breast size. I WISH I was a B.

Says the shit talker in real life who talks behind people's backs and manipulate them and then acts like the victim.

I love dem haterzzzz. :3
Liked by: Amanda

You always say "nice try" , I'm just stating facts.

cause your 'tries' to piss me off aren't working. Get better material and then come back and try it :3

Sluts are people like you, I know my words. Do you know how not to be a complete bitch

You're a bitch,
I'm a bitch.
I treat people how they treat me.
Last time I checked; I don't steal boyfriends. Nice try.

Oh wow you took 1 picture with an actual shirt on. Woop de doo for you, slut

LOL, they're all actual shirts dumb fuck ;) and don't call me a slut, If I'm not stealing other girls boyfriends; I'm not a slut. So go learn your words :)

Funny you think I'm jealous, I actually have boobs that aren't complete fat

Implants, then. That's not good for you :3

You're so fucking gorgeous. I honestly don't understand how anyone could hold hatred towards you, you're the sweetest girl I've ever met! Don't listen to them. I love you.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, you made me smile! :3 thank you<3 who are you.!


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