
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I heard all you care about is sex

Well that's an absolute lie. I could care less about sex or anything related. I love affection, yes. Sex, no.

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I just got out of a relationship and I like another guy A LOT. Don't act all snobby about it....

Once again, im not acting anything. If you really like a guy and you just got out of a relationship then that's your persona and how you wanna live. Im sorry it you weren't happy. But I dont do that.

would you rather be single or in a relationship?

Eh; right now im varying.
I wanna be single cause im sick of getting hurt but I want to be in a relationship cause of Lucas or whatever.

I just got out of a relationship and I like another guy A LOT. Don't act all snobby about it....

I'm not acting anything about it wtf. Okay that's YOUR preference. Sorry I didn't WANT to be out of the relationship

One day you're trying to prove to us all that Lucas loves you still an the next you're saying he gave up on your relationship. And you go back and forth....you're just a lying bitch

He does love me, look on his page. Yesterday he told me he loves me but gave up on us. It doesn't make any sense to me either. But just because I'm as confused as you are, doesn't give you the right to call me or anyone else a bitch. You don't know what's going on, and until you have full on proof that him or I are lying and you know everything, shut up. Kay? Thanks (: have a good day <3

I'm sure I could get in ;)

I'm sure I don't want you to 'get it in'.
Find an easy girl, it'll help ya with your horny-ness

If you love Lucas why do you want to get over him?

He's happier without me && he even told me he gave up on us. So why should I be in pain constantly. It's not fair.

that doesn't answer my ?

Well I was getting to the point of that its zipped up so tight, no one can get in.
So yeah :)

Do you want to get over Lucas?

Well yeah.. I don't wanna keep hurting over something I can't control anymore. So yeah I'd like to get over it so I can find something that makes me happy. He's happy, so I should be happy somehow too.

Don't be sorry!

I am. All any of you say is to move on because he has & stuff. But here I am telling some random person I'm thinking of him once again. So I really am sorry.

Of you and Lucas i'm guessing?

Yeah, Someone made the comment of how much pictures of him and I are on Instagram so it got me thinking.. Sorry

Aww that was the sweetest thing i've ever read. I honestly believed that you and lucas were meant to be but i guess not. I hope i find someone who can make me feel that way. And i truly hope you find someone who can give you everything you want and make you fall in love all over again!

You're honesty the sweetest anon. Like thank you so much for not being negative towards me about him, or asking how to get with him. I have so much respect towards you already. An I thought we were too, but I guess not. As long as he's happy that's all that matters. And you'll find your mr/ms right I promise, you just have to let love come to you! I promise it'll happen just be patient(: && eh I don't think I will for a long time.. But thank you <3


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