

Ask @Zeinlahham

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I cut because the guy I have my everything to left me

No guy is worth cutting, guys come and go, if you actually thought he was going to love you forever and keep all his promises, you're wrong, but look on the bright side, maybe it's for the best, you'll find someone better who will like you for who you are, but cutting wont do you any good, you're harming your skin, your skin isn't paper, why do you cut it? I mean think about it, you're damaging something that doesn't even belong to you for something that is worthless, whoever that guy is, he isn't worth the scars on your wrists, you're worth so much more than that.

Why are you friends with ashwa? ew

Why shouldn't I be friends with her? And ew? She's a really nice, kind hearted girl, but none of you even try to get to know her, you all judge her based on her looks, and based on what some people say about her, and I think you know who I mean by some people, anyway, I don't think you even know what she's truly like, she's better than half of you to be honest.

I'm sooo depressed and I cut :( what should I do???

You shouldn't cut, cutting is never the solution, nothing is worth cutting, you may think some things are worth cutting but trust me nothing is ever worth cutting, things will get better for you, you shouldn't damage your beautiful skin for anything, and you shouldn't depress yourself for anyone or anything, no matter how hard things are they'll get better, you should just wait. I suck at writing paragraphs but my point is, nothing is worth cutting so don't cut, it's not good for you.

I have this gf who I love more than anything in this world she does too bas she thinks ino I dont love her I love my ex what do I do?

Well, do you know why does she think that way? Maybe someone told her something or she saw something she didn't like. Anyway, you should prove to her that you love her, if you prove it to her she'll be sure you love her, and only her.

You still like him , and we all know that , you're depressing yourself over him , you're sending him paragraphs , you're just trying to find a way to get him , before you tell people to move on make sure you've moved on

wtf, who are you? Untick now.


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