

Ask @Zeinlahham

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being jewish and being an israeli are two completely different things, or did u mean specific jews?

I meant the Jews that are in Israel, but man it's the same thing, I mean come on, like one out of every 1000 Jews isn't Israeli so..

Why do Muslims hate jews in your opinion?

Since when is my ask here to discuss religious matters? I'm going to answer you anyway though;
How would you feel if someone came to your house, threw you and your family out, and claimed that it never belonged to you anyway? You'd want to stab that person to death, wouldn't you? Well, the Jews, zionists to be more precise, came to our country, Palestine, and established a new state named Israel out of nowhere. Years passed by, and they started taking over more land, by killing more innocent Palestinians, yes even children and old men and women, and by throwing us out of our own country. I think every Palestinian has the right, and should hate israeli's, which basically are the Jews, for ruining Palestine, for not letting us visit our country, for bombing our houses, mosques and churches, and for taking ownership of something that never belonged to them from the first place. Not only that, but they also try to ruin the image of Islam, you know by making up rumors, and blaming us for shit we never did. We Palestinians can hate them and burn them to death, and you don't even have the right to disagree:).

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Zay my bedek o I really appreciate it xx

في المساء، لا شيء يشبهك، لا شيء يعجبني سواك
ما أكثرك في قلبي”
أن تقتليني .. وأن توقفيني عن الموت .. هذا هو الحب”

Arabic quotes?

النفس تبكي على الدنيا وقد علمت أن السلامة فيها ترك مافيها”
إلهي. بما أنك تملك نار الفراق، فلِمَ أشعلت نار الجحيم
الى بكت عيني ذكرتك و ونّيت .. و دنياي من فراقك ضاقت سعتها ..
“ببقى على وعدي احبك ولو مابيننا لقى..”
“~لغيرك ما صفى لي بال ، و لغيرك ما ظنتي أشتاق
“لا يغرّك ..
لو شفتني لغيرك اسولف وابتسم
اكذب عليهم ..
ما ابيهم يعرفون
انّي بعد عينك بـ همّ!”
عيناً رأتك تأبى أن ترى غيرَك


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