
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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it'd be really cool to be closer friends with you dude, like i've only met you this year and although we aren't close i appreciate your insightfulness and yeaah

I have a feeling I know who you are, but I can't say for sure. Why don't you just try and talk to me in person? I know I look intimidating but I promise I don't bite....at least when I have my proper dosage of caffeine.

This is a weird question, but how do you tell if you're judging someone? I feel as if I do it without noticing

You usually hear reactive statements being screamed and repeated in your head.
Or you notice self conscious body language and tone from the person you're judging, probably because they noticed.
Lots of things that you can observe can indicate that you're being judgemental.

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whoo would you/are you going to vote for for the federal election? :O

I haven't been keeping up with my politics ... can't answer that

ever got your dick sucked

Someone get this person a drink! Any drink that they desire to quench their thirst! Let them have it their way!

favourite people in each grade?

Grade 12 - my food adventure crew
Grade 11 - I'll start WWIII if I say LOL
Grade 10 - Jennifer
Grade 9 - Kiana & Alice
Grade 8 - N/A

describe each of your courses in one word

Orch - love
English - deep
Calc - work
PE - run
Calc - work
Physics - swag
French - interesting

nah bruh that was sarcasm. your fren who is three hours ahead lolol

Sorry, it takes 3 hours for me to process your sarcasm LOL

The other anon is wrong to think that you shouldn’t be able to express your thoughts regarding pretentiousness. However, I rather think you have a pessimistic view of the ones around you. Why bother contemplating on those with the despicable qualities like you’ve mentioned? The conclusion you’ve

I try to be optimistic, but most of the time I assume the worst and look on the dark side of things. I don't usually contemplate these despicable qualities, but can't help them at times because they directly impact my own life. When this happens, I can get very pessimistic for a while before cheering up and making the best out of my situation.

made while observing others’ attitudes and conversations ultimately only represent your judgment and can be very different from reality, unless you are stating that only what you perceive matters to you. While it is a good idea to not care about what people think, I think it is essential to consider

You can call me cynical, but logically it would make sense to feel and react based on your perceptions. The truth is kept from us at times, and unless we are brought out of the dark to understand what's really going on, we are left only to live based on assumptions, which can be really awful at times.
Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't care about people altogether. Those whom I hold close are still worth my time and consideration. But for the rest of the strangers I tend appear cold and heartless, and I think this is the time to make an announcement to all those who aren't familiar with me: While I do seem quite intimidating or cold at times please do not think of me as constantly irritated! I just carry a look of being unimpressed naturally lol

that the ones who have disappointed you might have the same attitude, and if that's true who’s to say that they don't share similar beliefs? Not to mention how is it possible to want to set an example for others without trying to “impress anyone”? I really enjoy reading your responses and admire you

If they were to have the same attitude as I did, there wouldn't be a problem. Not caring about public opinion is one thing, but having attribute alongside determination to stand for the values you have clearly defined for yourself is something completely different.
I set examples with no one in mind but myself. My actions serve to inspire only those who are willing to listen and observe. At no point in time would I consider "impressing anyone" to change them, unless that is the goal I take to heart.

r truthfulness, and this is in no way an attempt to start an argument, but I’d like to ask for your opinion on what’s stated above. Unfortunately I did not realize there was a 300 word, so I had to split it into parts.

I thank you for your compliments and this is truly an interesting response. I'm going to start by answering this portion so that the comments make sense.


Language: English