
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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what do you think happens to us after we die? do our energies just leave our bodies and we cease to exist, is there an afterlife, or what do you think?

some believe we just cease to exist and we just diminish to nothing. others believe in reincarnation and an afterlife. For me, it's quite frightening thinking that there would be nothing more of myself after my time has come; so I like to believe that we simply leave our bodies and continue to exist as a stream of consciousness that wanders with only an observatory purpose.

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

little bits of gratitude show more appreciation than you think.
With knowledge comes sorrow, and with sorrow comes knowledge.
Little things can go a long way, but can cut both ways.

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So i have this really close friend, and I've developed a crush on him, and idk if I should say something or just continue to be friends. what do i do?

consider possible outcomes. telling him could jeopardize your friendship, but could also yield great things and knowledge about love, relationships and more. if you feel he could respond and reciprocate the same feelings, tell him. If not, don't. Should you hope he will, stay with him
until he either realizes what he's taken for granted, or he or you find somebody else. Love is a complicated thing, but one step into the unknown to refine their personal definition of it, and it's just a matter of when you decide to do it.

whats the tips on good at math

practice. more questions = more experience = more patterns you recognize.
Also teaching others concepts you think you have down.
Check steps and review mistakes. All mistakes are learning experiences, not failures.

what u gona study in uni ? and u gona go in sept ?

engineering - civil or environmental. will be here for summer

are you excited to graduate ?

there's mixed feelings right now; a part of me has been anticipating the day I leave this foolish realm of immaturity and excessive, irrelevant stress- there are so many people I just want to leave behind and drop from my life. But at the same time, despite all the crap I've had to deal with this place has rubbed off on me and I guess because I feel nostalgic or proud to have been a "Rebel" this ending does seem quite bittersweet. Aside from all the pain, all the tears, all the sleepless nights of various endeavors there are individuals and activities I have a hard time leaving and will miss dearly. But quite frankly an ending only foreshadows another beginning in the chapters of our lives so that's always something to look forward to. And because there's no telling what's bound to happen yet, I am in a way kind of excited to graduate so I can find out!

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Liked by: Bean Matthias


Language: English