
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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I can't donate to you cause I live in Ontario

Donate to Silvia, she can receive east coast proceeds while I receive west coast donations :)

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You think other people are prententious? Get off your high horse and face the truth without jumping the gun

Pretentious [adj.] (notice it's spelled without the extra "n" as stated in your question, if we could even call it a question):
1. characterized by the assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved.
2. making an exaggerated outward show ; ostentatious.
3. being full of pretence or pretension; having no factual basis ; false.
Now that we've established the formal definition of the adjective in question, let me clarify some things.
"Pretentious people" that I refer to are individuals that assume self-importance because of the things they do. What makes them pretentious in this regard is the fact that they do not take their endeavours seriously or genuinely. Discovering your interest by trying new things is one thing, but contributing to an organization/cause with only the intention of self-gain and no support or belief in it whatsoever is the despicable quality that shatters my faith in the integrity of this generation. How do you live when you know the people around you are empty, hollow vessels that don't breathe the same intentions that they preach? Of course, I don't know what others are thinking inside their heads but from the attitudes and conversations I've observed I can tell you for a fact that we are all in need of an attitude check.
But for the self-satisfaction that you craved by sending out this out-lash of rage I will admit that I am a walking contradiction - the qualities we despise in others are most prevalent in ourselves, and these people serve as a reminder for me to stay true to myself. But I'm not on a "high horse" trying to put down all these people, I'm just shocked that nobody understands the importance of this attitude/mentality issue. Call me naïve or a hypocrite, but I am not afraid to back up and elaborate genuinely on all the things I've been involved in. Have you seen me asking for credit or commendation at any given point in time? Scroll down my page and read my answers. Do you think I'd spend my time typing out meaningful responses to those who ask for them if I were as hollow as the atmosphere I walk in? I think it's time you stepped back to see the big picture and faced the truth: I don't do things to impress anyone, because I couldn't care less what you thought of me. I do things because I care. I do it because I want to set an example for others and show that "hey, this is what you can do and what you can achieve if you put not only your head into it, but also your heart". I'm not sure if your definition of being genuine is anywhere close to that, but should you have a better conception of it do enlighten me through this medium for all the others to see.

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But being a man is so cool. you get to be as swift as as coursing river, as strong as a great typhoon, and mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

I think we may have a clash of opinions here,
I leave you two to argue amongst yourselves.

is it weird for a guy to be afraid to hold girls hand ? even his gfs ?

It's not "weird", it's a matter of courage, confidence and trust - on both the guy AND the girl's part.
If you're going to put yourself through the trouble just to date someone, you should be proud to acknowledge that they are your significant other - both consciously and subconsciously. This doesn't mean that you need to get all PDA up in here, as affection can take on so many different forms since everyone has their own way of expressing themselves. If you wanted to hold their hand, but they're not comfortable with it, then you both need to find a middle ground - something that both of you can agree on which will settle any discrepancies for a lot of the potential rough patches that are evident in your relationship. Don't feel discouraged or self conscious if someone calls you out for not "being a man" - because it's not about being a man, it's about being on the same page as your partner.

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what's the Simon-Silvia fund?

A few weeks ago, Simon asked Silvia to prom. She said yes. And then he realized she doesn't even go here. Oops. What do? For as little as $2 a day you can help send Silvia's prom date over to Milliken Mills in May! Donate now to the Simon-Silvia fund!
Liked by: daniel C

I w-went to A 203 after 3rd period b - but you weren't there.........

You came too late. I left shortly after 3rd period ended. Message me on Facebook and we can talk.

so.... I tried to commit suicide yesterday. I'm freaking out. what should I do? I don't want to tell my parents.......help???

Stop whatever it is that you're doing. Close your eyes and take a minute to breathe deeply several times. Remember that life is wonderful, and there are so many things worth living for. Your suffering now may seem endless - but know this: You are a beautiful person that deserves to live on in pursuit of something that everyone calls happiness. Some things seem constant, but nothing is permanent. You've been strong and brave enough, and now is the time that you seek out the help you need - there's no shame in doing so because we all break, we're all HUMAN and HUMANE. Think about these things as you close your eyes and breathe.
Are you calm yet? If not, repeat until you are.
I'm just any other person on this planet, and as much as I want to help you I can't guarantee that I'll be here to answer you through this medium; you either find me in person to talk and we work together to seek the proper help and guidance that you're looking for, or you contact someone that can.
If you're not comfortable stepping out, chat anonymously with a volunteer online: http://youthinbc.com/
or call them - 604-872-3311
If you're still insistent on speaking to ME, find me at the end of third period tomorrow (if you go to my school) just outside A203.

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Who were your girlfriends??

As "anonymous", you don't have the right to ask. Talk to me in person or don't ask it at all.

why u said that in ur answer to the bby south question

Because there are too many pretentious people around. I don't like this fake air they carry around themselves while they pretend to be genuine. It makes me sick.
Liked by: kate Bean Matthias


Language: English