
Simon Lin

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tips for writing a story bout a disaster ?

this world keeps spinning faster
into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you

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do u think that high school relationships are pointless nd immature

Immature people can be of any age, and while most of them happen to be teenagers, one can easily draw the assumption that pointless relationships are associated with high schoolers. Conversely, I believe that maturity can be achieved during high school to the extent which allows a meaningful relationship.
High school is a time of discovery and emerging self awareness; we spend these 5 years doing stupid things to get an idea of who we are and what we're all about. Personally, relationships during this time are both meaningful and pointless at the same time - while you can't really expect them to last, they provide you with a chance to get to know yourself on a deeper, more personal level given the right mentality: in the aftermath of a relationship one looks back and learns so much about themselves. I've entered all my past relationships in high school with a "I'm here to do my best and learn how to be a better person" attitude, so every up and down has shown me something about myself that I haven't necessarily known before. With new discoveries coming up all the time, I start to see the big picture and how I can improve myself to be the person I want to be or to not be the person I don't want to become.
But this is just my opinion. At the end of the day, how much you value a relationship upon entering one reflects how meaningful it is to you once it gets going or ends. The immaturity and integrity of a relationship isn't something that's hit or miss, nor is it something pre-determined; it's based off what you and your partner make of it. It's a learning experience, minus some of the obligations and weight you get when you date in adulthood. Yet there are challenges of being associated with "young love" that one goes through at this time in their lives. Everyone has a different way of looking at it, so it's really up to you.

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Liked by: daniel C Shelley kate

tears are running down my face simon

PM me if you need to talk. Can't guarantee prompt response because I'm really busy, but I'll do my best.

who or what is your love?

My love overlooks the St Lawrence river
caressed gently by the tall grass and swaying trees
Daring me to explore and break up
my perturbing uncertainties.
It is not a person, nor a thing
But rather an experience
Some call a feeling.
My love tells me I have a need
to live on
so that I can
find what I'm searching for.
Liked by: daniel C Edmond Hou

my bf keeps rushing to have sex idk if he actually likes me or just want pleasure help me ......

You're in charge of your body and he has no right to force you into something you don't necessarily want. Like I said before, both individuals need to feel ready, trust each other and consent to one another. No consent = rape.

if ur in a relationship, how long u would w8 for sex

There's no specific amount of time that passes before one takes their relationship to a new level of intimacy- it depends on the development of trust between the two individuals and when both feel that they're ready.
...or it could be a one night stand and the two could just get straight to the point. Depends on how you look at it and what the circumstances permit.

were you not at school today?? QQ

I had a long night...my body could not handle my first two blocks ...but I was at school today...just after break..

dammit!!! Today was national hug day and I didn't hug anyone...... 4 ever alone lyfe. <(._.)>

Well that's kind of your own fault for not taking initiative bruh lol

what's your favorite drink from starbucks?

The starbucks pepto bismol - White chocolate mocha with 3 pumps of raspberry

where is a good place to rent a violin?~ i'm thinking about picking up the instrument ^-^

I own my violins, but you can generally rent them at Long and McQuade or from individual violinists that have an old violin to spare.

What job would you like to have when you get older(than you already are ._.)

Violin teacher or pharmacy technician


Language: English