
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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but srsly, are those your birds and where was that picture of a duck taken???? :O

Back in a time when I was young and free

What is the "Burnaby Youth Sustainable Networks Do It Green Conference?"

The Burnaby Youth Sustainable Network (BYSN) presents our annual Do It Green Conference. Come join us and celebrate sustainability with a day of interactive workshops. There will be amazing keynote speakers like entrepreneurs, professors, experts, and organization leaders, and you'll have a wonderful opportunity to network with countless organizations and groups throughout Metro Vancouver. The volunteer opportunities are endless.
There will also be a BYSN showcase to display all of the great accomplishments we have made throughout these years (including an interactive garden tour, sustainable technology workshops, electronic waste campaigns, water bottle refill stations, an introduction to the new elementary school youth branch of BYSN, Vancouver's Largest Clothing Swap (co-hosted with Swapculture and CYSN), and our recyclable arts festival. Come network with BYSN students and apply to be an executive member for the following 2016 school year. An amazing lunch will be provided!
Over 300 students attended last year!
We hope to see you there.

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i mean i guess that sounds pretty reasonable, but the thing is my stage fright is limiting how far i can go musically.i've done many performances/competitions, and i've screwed up, or almost screwed up all of them.If i can't get over this i won't go anywhere with music, and that's depressing to me:(

You're not understanding what I say. The more you perform the less stage fright you get. Yes, you will still have it to an extent, but it won't be as bad as it was before. If it still is then you're unconfident about your technicality and you need to either practice more or change the way you practice to improve.

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what's the point anyways? i probably won't get into rebel nations, and if i do, i'll probably mess up. I should just give up music. I doubt i'll ever get anywhere with it :/

You're not doing music so that other people will appreciate you, you're doing it because you like it. If people are going to laugh at you for doing what you love, then let it be. They don't understand, and who cares?

b-but i can't do anything(even in front of classmates or friends) without breaking down. It's infuriating, but i haven't gotten over it(i've had stage fright since grade. 2). It's ruining my life.

In grade 10 I was playing a recital in front of the parents of several music students of my violin teacher. Being one of the most senior students in the program, I was playing several movements of a Bach partita from memory. My memory slipped, and although I tried to cover up with a pokerface I fumbled over and over again. Eventually I had to stop and walk off the stage to get my music and start again. That was probably the worst recital I've had the chance to play in - and even though I've had nightmares about it it has made me stronger as a performer. You learn through your mistakes and you will never overcome stage fright without experience performing.

i have a question, and you're the only one i can think of off the top of the head who will give a good answer(normally) :) . So i applied for rebel nations, and i'm insanely nervous. I have major stage fright, and i'm wondering if i should go through with it, or just give up. What should i do?? :P

It's high school, take risks because your screw ups won't have heavy consequences compared to those of post secondary

Do you like weekends or weedays better???

Weekdays are interesting, weekends are even more interesting but not necessarily more relaxing so I'm mutual about both

Why do you prefer dark chocolate over milk or white chocolate???

Im not a fan of sweets, I like dark chocolate because you can taste the cocoa part better than the glucose and starch

hihi ^-^ how was your day? Do anything interesting(did you do anything other than practice :3)???

I didn't practice today. Doing administrative stuff

also those pictures are very nice, congrats xD but C- for effort because you used the same picture for both questions :3

icantevenlife. hwtoostrong. extracurricularstoostrong. parentstooweirdandharshandstrong. wat do? notimeforspacebarwhhopppssss. i might be semi delirious because i am weak too and should not still be up.


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