
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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which country u think would be the most powerful in the future

Well if the earth destroys itself from the pollution then the strongest country would be the greenest one today?

such as?

getting my driver's licence, holding a concert, music exam, volunteer, hopefully go camping!

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Wow so you're saying cutting isn't a big deal after all. Maybe you should be nicer to the anon.

I'm saying there are better things to do than cutting yourself. If you honestly cannot help it, you should seek professional help and work out a solution to ease the source that's provoking your self harming.
I'm not a professional counselor, nor am I very good at consoling strong feelings like this. I apologize to the anon if they interpreted my response in the wrong way, but you need to understand there is a limit to my patience with people coming to me only when they need help. After all, I'm no less of a human than you are.

tips on havin good grades

discipline to be responsible for your own learning, try not to procrastinate, set realistic goals and stay motivated to achieve higher.
seek help and ask questions when you don't understand something
balance your lifestyle and have fun!

do you hate anyone? do you think anyone hates you?

there are people I dislike for their attitudes, opinions and habits, but I don't hate anyone because everyone is entitled to their own lifestyle and I respect that.
having said this, there are certainly people who do not like my being and although I have no idea who they are it's totally okay! nobody's perfect :)

too smart Simon X___X too smart

I'm not "smart"; it's just that most of the time I'm willing to put in more effort than most people to secure my own learning. My upcoming grades will show you that I have been quite lazy recently! Being able to apply what you learn and constantly practicing it keeps your mind in shape and highly dexterous. It all starts with self discipline, goal setting, time management, and motivation!

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

depends on who I'm with and what I'm watching

which university are you going to?

Aiming for:
UoT, Waterloo, UBC for engineering
SFU, UoT, McGill for biology
McGill, UBC for engineering/music maybe biology
depends on where I get in and what I wanna do!

so ur fam tell u that ur not chinese ? or is it just ur thoughts

Half of my grandparents were from China, my family does not believe in ethnocentrism- I'm just pointing out that this tendency towards generalization is politically incorrect in the eyes of Taiwanese people.

why distinguish when they are from the same ancestors........speak the same langage n hav the same culture.......... theres no point

Yes, we are the same ethnicity. But like the concept of evolutionary biology, speciation occurs when members of a population inhabit a new setting and undergo changes. We have the same bloodline, but Taiwanese people have differentiated themselves from Chinese people, living slightly different lifestyles and having different perspectives as well as standards for many things.
We share common ground, but time has caused us to branch apart in the evolutionary tree and a lot of people refuse to accept that. If you would admit Canadians aren't Americans, and Koreans aren't Japanese, why would you say Taiwanese people are Chinese?
Liked by: amber huang

hows it hard

the standards of courtesy and respect have been lowered to a disappointing level over the past few years, and I really regret not being able to do anything about it.

do u consider urself as taiwanese or chinese ?

I like to think of myself as Taiwanese but nowadays it's becoming harder and harder to distinguish between the two here...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I've known you for quite a long time, and I'm jealous of your music abilities and charm and intelligence and wisdom and WITTINESS. oh god your wittiness tho. Can you guess who this is?

I'll try my best to guess...but if I guess wrong, will you laugh it off with me NICELY NICELY?
Liked by: Bean Matthias

What sound drives you crazy?

my friend snoring his ass off in our hotel room, keep me and my other friend awake.


Language: English