
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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): it's okay simon just hang in there, everyone goes through colds and stuff...

I broke my non sickness streak of 4 months ... ):

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

Honestly there are so many things I would ask for, like the 27 Encores by Hilary Hahn, Ray Chen's "Virtuoso" EPK, New shoes, clothes etc...
But at the end of the day, do we really need these things to be happy? They say you should spoil yourself for the Holidays, but can you really do that when there are so many other people out there who would be thankful for some simple things you take for granted like food or even just a hot beverage to keep themselves warm? I couldn't spoil myself knowing that I am fortunate enough to have all that I have as well as the power to personally reach out and make other people's Christmas holiday a little brighter.
So that's the ideal Christmas Gift for me, the gift of giving. Because knowing you did some good in the world without ambition is one of the best feelings you could ever get. This principle is making its mark in my morality, and since it is Christmas I am challenging myself to pursue it more often. There's so much we can do, and it's just up to us to put ourselves out there; shall we begin?

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fav girl from grade 10 and 11

grade 10 -Godli
Grade 11 - oh damn sorry ladies I don't do favorites but you'd have a general idea c:

What things do you love?

Family, violin, friends, making music, myself (hard to believe considering all the shit I put myself through)
and since its christmas I love chatting over coffee

i didnt even think that was in yr vocab LOL

LOL a lot of things are, they're just not used often in public
the more you know...

what kind of girls do you like?

the kind that likes long romantic walks on the beach; the kind that I can talk to for hours without getting bored; the kind that I feel secure with, that I feel like won't leave me just because another guy looks her way. oh who am I kidding I just want a good fuck buddy :D


Language: English