
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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hey simon if you're interested in starting up a stress-talk group, mental health awareness club would be happy to help!

Linda Lei
We’ve all been living in a society that is constantly thriving in socialism, liberalism, and ever-advancing technology. Everything is so fast paced, and changes occur almost on a daily basis. I feel that we as youth are so caught up in adapting to these changes, that we forget to provide ourselves the space and time we need for contemplative reflection. We’re so busy trying to fit into the moulds of ourselves that we’ve supposedly created without actually knowing what exactly we’re getting ourselves into; we face our lives with ambition, but for what reasons?
I have been working together with a friend to design a conventional setting for developing individuals to come in and reflect on their various experiences amongst each other in a respectful manner that is free from prejudice. You can think of this as a stress management group session, but the main purpose of arranging these discussions is to help individuals draw insights from the different perspectives and opinions of other people on the prescribed topics. It is for them to ultimately be able to apply the insights they've taken away from these conversations to their own lives, while cultivating a public space where psychological fear of self expression is absent.
Yes, the benefits of mental health and well being are included. But it's rather the content which takes us there that I am going to focus on, because it reaches out to so many little details that contribute to one's mental state. I appreciate your generous offer Linda, and I will definitely consider consulting MHA for assistance. Functionality of this group aside, would you be interested in taking part in one of these conversations? I'm sure you would add a fresh perspective to the discussions while taking away meaningful insights at the same time.

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In all seriousness, tips for dealing with stress and nervousness

This is something that takes more than just a written response to answer.
I'm thinking of starting a group discussion (in person) to talk about various things in life, stress being one of them. Perhaps you would like to join the conversation? Details to follow soon. Just fire another question and I'll post the details when I have them.

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<3 <3 <3 thanks that actually helped a lot. now my new phone background so i can see that whenever I'm depressed/lonely

all the best to you, friend

but how can i get comfort from myself?? >.>

learn to love yourself.
seek lessons rather than put downs from mistakes.
forgive yourself.
gain insight from life's challenges, not anxieties.
define your own success, your own perception of beauty, and reward yourself for achieving your own goals.
be proud to live your body, because it is your own.
Hold morals, not grudges
and show some compassion
because you are your own judges
love thyself and thy neighbor
because peace on earth exists only when we all live peacefully together.

Nah....... ._. .-. ._. Everyone leaves me if they get a "better" offer /ff

well then you should stop searching for comfort from others but rather comfort from yourself

oh yeah shoot how will anyone ever love me then??? :P

Family will always love you, but others eventually will as you grow and mature

What did you do to contribute to kindness week last week?

I had no idea it was kindness week last week...I stayed behind on Thursday to make sure all the newly sowed seeds were properly watered? I don't think about kindness, it's more of a subconscious thing that I sometimes do if that makes any sense.

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

both, for they co-exist in harmony. however, it is essential to find a middle ground between the two as there is no such thing as a solution that completely satisfies both.
Liked by: Joshua Comia


Language: English