
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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glad to know we both feel the same way

Not sure if this is who I think it is, but if it is, yeah I'm glad too!

why are u "irritated" anyway

Environmental factors, they irritate me and deplete my intelligence, or what's left of it at least.

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do u have tumblr

Do you like chicken feet? No I don't because I find it pointless :D
Now excuse while I brace myself for all the "but tumblr .. blah blah blah" comments.
Liked by: Cally Huang

pshaw seems like you're irritated all the time

psha- that's racist. Just because my eyes are small doesn't mean that I'm always irritated! Get out ):
Liked by: Justin Ma

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

How long does it take to take a dump? I DON'T KNOW. It depends as much on the turd as much as it does the person. DUH.
Liked by: Kevin Yang

Do you ever get the feeling that someone wants to talk to you?

Yeah, and I'm always open to. If you want to talk to me just come up to me and be engaging instead of just wondering what kind of conversation could have happened I mean like C'MON PEOPLE MAKE SOME EFFORT MAN TAKE THE INITIATIVE. I can't read your minds all the time!

who do you want to talk to more

there are lots of people I want to talk to more, no not over the phone, not through text messaging, but in person so there's a real connection between us.

No that's were people might disagree with you about the crew and whatnot. Most of the crew wasn't even there that day. Unless you like to exclude people ;)

Either you just want to test me or you're trying to tear the apart. Regardless, you're treading on some thin ice here. Choose your next words carefully.

Why is the crew named $kipants meng? Its like having a group of friends where there is a "leader" and whatever she says goes..

It's not about who leads it, it's the pair of ski pants and that special girl who brought the crew together.

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Somebody I haven't been honest with

What is your favorite pet’s name?

The only pet I had was a beautiful blue betta fish named Pinky.
Pinky was the best fish you could've asked for.
Pinky moved, Pinky swam all over the place, Pinky traded secrets with me and we stuck out for each other.
But one day, Pinky started acting quite strange. Pinky slowed down, Pinky swam less, Pinky slept more.
Finally, Pinky stopped swimming. I cried my eyes out for Pinky, and I played a funeral march for him with my violin as tears streamed down my face. But it's okay, because Pinky lives on in spirit within my violin and will always be with me. And that, my friend, is the story of Pinky.

don't you hate it when you're trying to close the blinds at night but a creepy person just pops into your brain and you think it's gunna scare you?

If you're referring to me as that creepy person then yes, I do!


Language: English