
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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How? Hiding behind a computer screen?

why can't you just message me? you'd still be behind a screen...

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but you're big and scary and rawr.

And that's why you have to make the effort and have the courage to talk to me

your evasiveness leads me to believe that i guessed right :D :D also, is there collab tmr?

ok.. whatever misdirected mail whatsoever is not my responsibility, just saying LOL
yes there be collab tomorrow.

what is this sleep you speak of? ;)

it's great, for absolutely no cost one can recharge their physical energy!

is someone being a hermit again?

I'm busy testing this new thing called sleep, I'll let you know how that goes

I'm fat, ugly, and have so much acne...what do i do...........

Simon's seven step solution:
1. Pick up a dictionary
2. Look up those three words
3. Observe how many words there are in the english vocabulary as you page your way through
4. Realize that none of these define you
5. Understand that only you can define yourself, and that you are incomparable to anyone else
6. smile
7. continue with your day

if you had the chance, would you rather be able to be able to pick up any instrument and be able to play it at a professional level, or would you want to have to work for it and put hours into learning it?

challenges and effort put into something makes the reward so satisfying.
...but then again I could impress so many people so quickly at this age HAHAHAHA


Language: English