
Simon Lin

Ask @aViolinist

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So Vivian is "gorg hollywood material" and lhoda is a "goddess" ehh ?? ;)

Have some water, you're thirsty.

So you're saying you think Shirley asked thoughts to look for a compliment?

We don't know if Shirley asked the question or not. There's no way I can tell; I think you're just calling me out for appearing to treat someone differently while answering these questions. My "thoughts" are merely observations. They don't serve to kiss up to anyone, because I don't believe in doing that.

not looking for a straight compliment...it's just that you gave everyone else straight compliments except her that's all

That's not fair, I think her harsh self critique on her own singing is an attribute, because it is the driving force of improvement for any artist. I think that was a compliment in itself, but you might not see it that way and there's nothing wrong with that.

with your "thoughts on people" you said only nice things about everyone except Shirley, why is that

If you're looking for a straight compliment, try again. My thoughts are merely what I see, and how I react to these perceptions. Shirley leaves a neutral impression on me, and I don't have much to say, other than the fact that I am indifferent to her personality.

Is it hard for you to get over someone?

No one can deny how difficult it is to get over a meaningful relationship. And in all honesty, no matter how many times it has been, it freaking sucks. Why? Probably because every time when I reach the point where it feels like it will last, things go haywire. Then I start to ask myself: why did I not see this coming? Why was I stupid enough to let them build me up and take advantage of my genuine feelings for them? The more I think about it, the more shock I instil onto myself, and the immense sadness that comes over me is sometimes unbearable not because it's over, but because it's hard to believe that the person I've placed my trust in should never have deserved my trust and commitment to begin with. I realize these things and start to put myself down for not being "good enough". Then it really gets to me, and I find yourself unable to focus on anything else. Over time, I do heal, but the scars remain with me forever.
I don't find it easy getting over someone, but I am capable of emotionally progressing rather quickly and appearing just as cold as I was before, immediately.

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Would you choose someone you love or someone that loves you?

Unrequited love is a waste of time. I'd much rather be expending energy onto someone who gives back the same amount of effort I put in. That being said, I don't love easily. Someone I choose to love needs to have earned my trust and appreciate what I do for them. Both ends need to feel some sort of connection for it to work. But at the same time, it's all subjective to how one defines love.
Liked by: Bean Matthias


Language: English