
abigail guy

Ask @abigailguyxo

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Boys in your year

I don't even know what year half of them are in so ill just name them aye, Aidan fallens, Adam stanners, Fraser stanners, Connor Lidell, John teller, Taylor McMillan, there's loads eh
Liked by: Aidan fallens

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Opinion on the boy you like l

Hm he's perfect everything about him, his body definitely!!, he has such an amazing personality and he's the best boyfriend ever tbh, I don't know where id be without him probably deed as I said to him hahahah, he makes me smile all the time, we never argue and it's amazing, he's so hilarious he puts me in laughing fits some times basically what am saying is the best there is.

I was giving you shit on here cause I was getting shit :/

Mail me who's this please say who it is? And it's okay just try no take things out in others x

Shite bags aye? Lollll, two people mailed you and you patched it so aye you canny call anyone a shite bag


Can you all not leave abigail alone if you all knew what she was going through you wouldn't be saying or doing any of this to her!, she's a lovely lassie and dosent need this leave her and this guy alone x

Hmmm thinking I know who this is mail me but and aw well there all shite bags anyway lol

Getting your maw involved in everything, wow can't stick up for yerself naw?

I can as you can see i have been sticking up for myself for quite a while but if the police get involved well I canny exactly do anything am 14, my mum can do and say whatever she wants tbh no one can stop her and well the police eh that's no even aw your a fanny hahahaha so wit I was only saying if you bring them to my door my "maw" wouldn't be happy and would turn em at the door looool
Liked by: megan kilbane

Well tbh if I phoned the police Robert would get put away

He wouldn't not with my parents hahaha they would turn then at the fucking door, you'd start a war if you done that might no want to do that eh my mum would probably go off her nut at you then you'd be worried lol


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