
abigail guy

Ask @abigailguyxo

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Mark says craig fancies you so ha

Yes I text craig so what, he's a really nice guy, but we are only friends ya know, plus hahahaa he does not fancy me I can asure you he dosent, I'm texting him for a good cause if you really want to know mail me so hm were only friends. Away and no bother me ae

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Does brendan know your tit size then

em. Why you asking me this ask him? And even if he did know my size I'm sure he knew he wouldn't be telling you so hahaha, plus the word "tit" is just vile just shh lol bye.

fav 1,food 2.bands/artists 3.place 4.country 5.friend (link) 6.song 7.clothing brand 8.quote 9.hobbie 10.movie <3 xxxx

1 chips, 2 skirllex,black keys, wretch 32, example, loads.. 3 pittenwhem 4 america 5 meghan&chloe 6 home by gabirel aplin, 7 holister or topshop 8 "beat the player at his own game' 9 ice skating 10 inbetweeners or batman! X
Liked by: Thc_Kid


Language: English