
abigail guy

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For the dumbass who said "once a cheat always a cheat" obviously hasn't been in a relationship before where someone has cheated on them because if they had they would realise that people do change and that if you really like the person or love them then it's not that easy to let go of them

Cute thank you!

Once a cheat always a cheat hunni

Okay but please spell *honey properly you need a dictionary thrown at you babes

It's actually hilarious the amount of people that are giving Abigail and Brendan's relationship hate haha.. Use are all probably wee goons with the face of a pigs ass who can't even get a relationship so leave them alone hahahahaha

Oh my god thank god someone said this, thank you!!
Liked by: Mhairi McFarlane

must know one cute thing he has said

There's too many cute things he has said!, he's worte me cute paras and said lots of cute things

Do you think brendan will cheat again?

How many questions about brendan jesus, if you wanted to ask me all this shit you do know you can mail me its that easy just mail me!!, no.

Let her go out with you the fuck she wants its her choice not your and its personality that matters away with yous!

Mail me? And your trying to say? I'm confused mail me like!

I don't want to mail, an youse really suit, cute! How long have youse been going out for?x

Please mail me!!!!, and I haven't a clue couple of weeks I think, please mail me!x


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