
abigail guy

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Opinion on top dog Ryan mckinven

Known him for ages, can tell him anything, my wee fave always knows how to cheer me up nd make me smile he's good looking, and one of my close pals, getting him tthis weekend :) x
Liked by: Ryan Mckinven

Ho on Shannon Kennedy?

My best friend! No matter what ill always stand by her, I've been there for her so much always making sure she's okay, she's like a little sister to me and if I'm honest I could be a better influance towards her, but she will always be my best friend, she's gorgeous and I have been friends with her for years, I can tell her anything and everything I trust her, and even tho we argue when we spent too much time together we hardly argue haha, I can alwyas have a laughh with her, and if anyone started on her then they would seriously regret it, love you shazza x
Liked by: Shannon Kennedy

Whoever is asking these questions, you are the biggest creep I've ever seen and you sound like a horny teenager from the imbetweeners, keep your fantasies to yourself or you'll die a virgin. Just some advice because that's not attractive its just creepy.

Hahaha thank you btw geez a mail

Why do you argue with folk

Because from primary school to high school I was bullied about the way I was, looked, and the way I never. Stood up for myself, the past year or so I've had more and more people picking a fight with me about things that don't even matter, I don't let people walk all over me nor bad mouth my family or pals, ill happily stand up for myself, and if it let to a fight well I wouldn't care, I don't live to please anyone and I can finally be myslef after all these years of getting bullied, ill say my mind and stick up for what's right even if it causes arguments with anyone,I don't think I'm better than anyone but I won't be walked over, they can sook my boaby as far as I'm concerned lollll


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