
Acacia Brinley

Ask @acaciarealclark

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Burps arent gross theyre natural :P and proof that you can actually burp on command

Are natural but when on command i think it's gross. Why would i lie to you? :p

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Why did you stop using ask?

I kinda forgot about it but then i stopped using my private facebook as well and just had my public stuff so i could keep in touch
Liked by: João Almeida

Acacia Brinley is like very very famous so if you were actually her, you'd have lots of likes...IM NOT SAYIN THAT LIKES MATTER but ppl know Acacia, she would have 100s of likes. Also, you'd have more ppl asking you questions. Sorry, you fake ass

Just so you know i have 12K questions i just don't spend my life on here! Second as i said before when ask.fm used to be that social network everyone had i had likes, nowadays people don't use it anymore (even tho i don't care about likes) and just to end this subject you can search through my answers because like 2 years ago or something i posted a link to my twitter where i tweeted my ask.fm ;) have a nice day xoxox
Liked by: João Almeida

But this is a fake account, this is a catfish....you have 3 likes, acacia would have more likes than that

Ohhh i'm so sorry that i need to have a lot of likes to be "real". Likes don't mean anything at least for me. And as you may or may not know ask.fm is a social network that people don't use very much nowadays! If you were here like 3 or 2 years ago you would know that i had a lot of likes if that is what matter to you ;) xoxo


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