
Adrianna Maynard

Ask @adriannamaynard

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Hot or not: beautiful rate outta 10: 9 :) Short TBH: Your really sweet and nice, your really pretty :) talk more Date or pass: date

Thaanks(': <3 message meee

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Hahahah it's mee :) I totally forgot to click the lil box thing for it to not be anonymous. ;o

Oh thaanks girl <3 hmuuu !(:

Oh I fucking love you too bb<3 you're beautiful:* you know, I like your boobs. I don't why these bitches are trippin. They probs got a itty bitty tittie comity. Hahah ;)

Just like meee;* ahaha ilyy. But waait dude who is this -.- LOL

I'm gonna fucking smack whoever this "anon" is. Why don't you get a fucking life and leave her alone. You're stupid af if you think she's even near being a whore or a slut. if I find out who you are, some shits gonna go down. Back off

I fucking love you alice. <3333

Holy shit your ask page is bipolar (yes i was stalking) There's a hardcore hate question, then someone saying you're amazing and i love you.

Yuup , talk to the people ..

Holy shit Idk who you are really but fuck you get tons of hate.... like wtf youre gorgeous aha anyways have a goodnight!(:

Awe thank you(: yeah you tooo

You guys need to fucking leave her alone honestly . Yeah wer not really friends we don't hate each other and I can speak for myself too . Just leave her alone like fuck people are such dicks do you not have anything better to do

Alissa zommer
Haha thaanks
Liked by: Aysha ✌

K everyone hop the fuck off of Adrianna, she is the fucking sweetest thing ever, and she doesn't deserve any of your bullshit. Yeah, she may not hangout with them much anymore, but honestly, I applaud her on that, because she got away from all their drama. She knows who her true friends are now.

Amen ^
Liked by: Catherine Gomez

You guys are huge dicks to adrianna and she's honestly the nicest person I ever met she actually cares and honestlyy all y ya'll is just jealous so step off.... Outt


your so sweet ! I wish people would stop sending you hate and accusing you of shit that you did not do! becuase if they actually take time to get to know you they would actually see how sweet you are!

Awe thaanks !

Do you think its disrespectful for a guy to hangout with other girls when he has a girlfriend?

Depends on what they do when they hang out :b


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