
Adrianna Maynard

Ask @adriannamaynard

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people you follow on ask?

I follow really popular people so if i say them people are think im like creepy ass stalker LOL

If you could have any family channel tv series come back what would it be?

Hannah montana yoo but i wish she didnt turn into some retarded camel -.-

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Imitate alex(;

i will slap you in the face next time
Hes a player
Ewww you think he's hot ?!!
The other one is by far
Welcome to my life ..
I need shirts
I need pants
Fuck im losing all my clothes
I can do what i want
*laughing like a horse*
Im santana and youre brittney
I just woke up
Nah I was watching big brother until like 2
Lets hold pinky's just like on glee
Did you see big brother ?! Omgggg
Jk this season sucks
My god
I just wanna sleep
What are you doing ?
*laughing like a horse*
Wanna hang out
I know i sound like a mom but ...
Im tired
Liked by: Alex

Hey :) I just wanted to say that you are very gorgeous and everyday I wish I was as pretty as you. I wish I could be just like you. Perfect and everything

Hi:) and awe thanks <3 im sure youre gorgeous as well :*

Thoughts on Jonaas?

Suuuper tall. He's like super mature haha he's really nice & i wanna get to know him better(: we should chill sometime(:

Thoughts on Abdl(: ?

Um he is really funny & he has really good advice. We dont reaally talk anymore but hes nice and a good rapper ;)

I say keep smoking weed. The people that stay aren't gonna leave and the people that left were never meant to be there. You be the person u wanna be. if that involves weed then whatever.....I would stay by your side even if u did cocaine and were a prostitute. LOL remember who you are though :)

Awe this really means a lot(: and i honestly dont need it in my life anyways. To me its a waste of time & money but you are totally right so thanks(:

15 nicest people you know? anyone you wish you were closer with? :)

Naah too many XD and honestly samir LOL jonas maybe ? Im open to talking to anyone(:


Language: English