Aida Johanski


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IMAGINE if you're a psychotic and clingy partner. You are having your 3rd month anniversary dinner with the love of your life and you realise that your partner is checking out the waiter. What would you do? (Think PSYCHOTIC!)

Dyan Hidayat

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When you're feeling blue and stuff do you tell anyone or keep it to yourself?

I usually tell my girls Ti, Sab, Yayah and Syu cuz honestly they've been with me through my worst times so I trust them the most.
Liked by: tiara

I'm just asking how you know them... I didn't say you're only friends cos they're internet famous

Azimah and I met in kindergarten and Julz and I met at one of our mutual friends' film set. Okay?

You're friends with the popular girls like Azimah Azmi and JulzBelle all that right? How do you know them?

Uh I've been friends with Azimah since we were 5 not because she's popular or whatever

Hahaha. Thanks for the advice but what happens if i am the type that is an introvert and not an extrovert ?

Hey if you like a girl enough you'll find a way to make it work! And if the girl feels the same way then it doesn't matter if you're an extro or introvert right?

You don't seems like the kind that speaks malay haha! Can make a video?

Of me speaking Malay? Tak payah lah

AIDA do you have any tips for guys if they wanna woo girls like you or just girls in generally ?

HAVE A BIG DICK lol I'm just kidding just connect with the girl, be chill and witty with a touch of Tony Stark attitude and you're good to go bruh
Liked by: Mohamed Shafique

Do you think you'll wear hijab full time one day? Have you ever thought of that?

Maybe when I'm older and finally get my shit together :-)


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