Aida Johanski


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What if you wake up one day and find that you have 2 children? How would you raise them based on the experiences you've had for the past 17-19 years of your life?

Dyan Hidayat
I honestly don't know.... I'M NOT READY FOR KIDS

How sexy is it on a scale of one to ten if a guy can throwdown on the dancefloor?

Throwdown as in fight?

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Uhhh I ate the Double Down MAX for the first time a few weeks back lol does that count

Hey i dont follow you but ive seen your videos and i honestly think youre so cute and perfect. You have an amazing personality! It made me feel so inferior and i felt like i wasnt good enough.hahaha. Im a girl btw no homo :p keep being awesome :) xx

Why "no homo" tsk I was about to say let's get down loljk. Thanks love, that's really nice of you! See ya babes mwah mwah mwah

Which saying (by people dead or alive) do you swear to live by?

"Why does it matter whether other people like what you do or not? Just do lah." - My late grandfather haha
Liked by: Denise K


Language: English