Aida Johanski


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3 simples rules that you feel people should abide to, in order to be a good person

1. Mind your own business
2. Chill je
3. Have the occasional smoke

Best birthday present you've ever received and/or best birthday present you've ever given

Dyan Hidayat
Received: The gift of life (har har har). Given: A huge SHINee pillow for one of my best friends.

Haha. Okay that was a failed attempt of me trying to woo you with bahasa melayu.. Lol. So seriously you prefer playing as a ???

Keeper. Cuz I'm a keeper. loljk

Saya seorang insan yang head over heels kerana kamu. Tetapi saya tidak pernah bertemu same kamu. Cume ketemu di sini dan twitter :)

Apa sial ni confirm bedek hahaha

No Joke No Fun No Fuck No Son No it is not a joke... I really have a crush on you lah Aida !!!!!

Siapakah kamu?

Alamak.. Biler aku nk post smth normal nk bbl 69 pulak... Haish dun even get me started on the dirty topic.. Let's just say im your crush from North and i love you. (Insert's Ted's I Love you) .

Adakah in sesuatu joke?

Haha. I really want it to happen though... So what position you play as ?

Who are you? My position is 69 hahahahahahahahaha jk

How bout playing a soccer match friendly with me at NP soccer court in front of munch some day.. Me you and Ball.. Fuh.. Baik bro

Bring it on

What will you do if someone with Nicki Minaj's ass (or bigger) comes up and twerks in front of your face?

Twerk with her


Language: English