Aida Johanski


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So ridiculous. Examples of highly quoted people of different religions; Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, prophet Muhammad PBUH to name a few. People of different religions may have different beliefs but not necessarily different ideologies/principles.

100% yes

my bad then but he's a character in Christianity so why are you quoting him when you're not Christian to begin with?

ok lor then don't quote beyonce IF YOU'RE NOT BEYONCE
Liked by: Meh

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'grant me chastity etc' is from the bible hello? and muslim, islam same difference

No it's not that was a quote from Saint Augustin...... Also, Islam is the religion, Muslim is a person who follows islam HELLO?
Liked by: Meh

why the fuck are you quoting from the bible you're islam

When the fuck did I quote the bible and I'm not Islam I'm MUSLIM
Liked by: Meh

Not a ques but i'm happy for you for making a decision and making it public. I'm sure there's hesitations but i just wanna remind you of this "fall down seven,stand up eight" it helped me when i first decided i'm gonna try harder. You'll might fall back but you just need to keep going. Best wishes!

That's very kind of you. I know it's gonna be challenging but hearing this often might just lessen the load. Thank you, stranger :-)

what is your darkest secret, that you can only let it out here, at this timing

Sometimes I sing along to Taylor Swift

hey aida. i was just reading thru your blog and read a post regarding your late grandfather i suppose entitled bidin, is a great one. i think its really amazing. :) just thought of letting you know.

I wrote that while crying haha thanks tho I really appreciate it :-)

Gurllllll I really love your recent blogpost, thumbs up for that if not I would've probably spent a bomb at salonvim! And are you really studying overseas??? Alone??

Bahaha thanks but don't take only my opinion into consideration, maybe some of the other bloggers really did have good experiences! Yep I'll be heading over to Queensland next year, but with my two best friends :-)

Your zany friend is pretentious as fuck pls tell her not to jumble up 3 meaningless big words in one sentence it's hilarious

She can use 23 "meaningless big words" in one sentence for all she cares it's her fucking problem mind your own business, child!!!!

Don't 'wtf' at me. Both of your head are tilted and doing a funny face.

lYk3 oMG Ya she's also wearing black she's totally copying me fuck ni la


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