
Darling, you'll be okay♡

Ask @amitypullar

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well two of my brothers i think are and im not sure about my mum :/ this is why i dont know if i should tell them or just keep it to myself :/ xxx

Ooh:/ Well maybe bring it up in conversations somehow, could always ask them their opinion on bisexuals, then if they're okay with it, tell them you are? Idk I'm really shit at advice:( But you shouldn't have to hide who you really are, you're family will still love you, they just might be a bit shocked at first but they'll be okay with it eventually xxx

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I saw you're picture and instantly fell for you pure perfect inn every way possible but the thing is you'd never be mine as I'm not good enough and in ugly you're completely the opposite also you don't know me but I've instantly fell for you <3xxx

I'm far from perfect but aw thank you:') You're not ugly and come of anon please? x x x


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