
Darling, you'll be okay♡

Ask @amitypullar

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Going to do this question thing because I'm bored.
Send me a number and I'll answer truthfully:
1. Any scars?
2. Self harmed?
3. Crush?
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
6. Someone you hate?
7. Best friends?
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
9. What's your dream job?
10. Ever been in love?
11. Last time you cried?
12. Favorite colour?
13. Height?
14. Birthday?
15. Eye colour?
16. Hair colour?
17. What do you love?
18. Obsession?
19. If you had 1 wish, what would it be?
20. Do you love someone?
21. Kiss or hug?
22. Nicknames people call you?
23. Favorite song?
24. Favorite band?
25. Worst thing that ever happened too you?
26. Best thing that ever happened too you?
27. Something you would change about yourself?
28. Ever dated someone?
29. Worst mistake?
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite TV show?
33. Best day of your life?
34. Special talents?
35. Do you ever wish you could start over?
36. Any bad habits?
37. Ever had a near death experience?
38. Someone I can tell anything too?
39. Ever lost a loved one?
40. Do you believe in love?
41. Someone you hate/dislike?
42. Are you okay?
43. Full name?
44. What are you most paranoid about?
45. Have you ever been excluded
46 Any medical conditions?
47. Have you ever come close to death?
48. Smoked shisha?
49. Smoked weed?
50. Smoked cigarettes?
51. Know anyone that has attempted suicide?
52. Been in an abusive relationship?
53. Play any instruments?
54. Turn ons?
55. Turn offs?
56. Sexual orientation?
57. When did you know what your sexuality was?
58. Meaning behind your username?
59. Single or Taken?
60. Ever drank alcohol?
61. Ever been drunk?
62. Most alcohol you've drank?
63.Play any instruments?
64. What do you dislike about yourself and why?
65. The worst thing somebody has ever said to you?
66. Mental health problems?
67. Favorite thing to say?
68. Someone you hate and why?
69. Talk about one of your scars and how you got it
70. PS3 or Xbox?
71. Links? (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc).
Send me numbers now!:)

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i haven't cut in months, and i cut myself again today. i feel like my family hates me. i have no friends, we had a fight and they're not talking to me. i'm basically alone and no one even cares about me. i'm planning to kill myself tonight. if you would care if i did, say it now.

Your family doesn't hate you, and people do care about you, probably a lot more then you think. You're not alone though, you can talk to me if you want? Yes I would care, want to talk to me of anon? Or message me on facebook or add me if I don't already have you on facebook <3


Language: English