
Darling, you'll be okay♡

Ask @amitypullar

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I know that but as much as you may not see it those feelings may be there still locked away. Maybe this Dylan hurting you made you realize your gay or just made you afraid of trying again with a guy?

I dated a guy like 3/4 years ago. He didn't make me realise I was gay as I only realised last year! I just don't get any feelings for guys, whereas with girls I do.

Well maybe girls are more likely to provide a more satisfactory relationship but you have to remember not all guys are that bad and some are really nice. Also from one of your previous questions you said you still find some guys attractive so you may still have the potential to develop feelings for

I don't think all guys are bad, I've never thought that. Guys make great friends:) I said before that I find the odd guy attractive, but just because I think 'He is good looking' doesn't mean I want to date them, or I have feelings for them. Its like girls who are straight saying 'She's pretty' doesn't mean they are gay. I won't get feelings for guys, as I have said many times before; I like girls.


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