
Darling, you'll be okay♡

Ask @amitypullar

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what did u feel when u was with her? and if she wasn't a shit girlfriend tell me one thing loving she did?

Well I loved her so much. And well everything, like making me laugh, cheering me up. Loving things; the christmas+valentines present.There is nothing shit about her

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alice said this: well, it was our choice and mainly mine amity deserved better as she is amazing and deserves only the best, deserved someone who could give her everything she wanted, shared the same ambitions in life, and someone who could make her feel the happiest she can ever feel and more!xx

aw did she? well we've talked and its fine now though :) xx

from what alices says i get the impression she never treated u right and was just the shittest girlfriend you could ever have!!

What does alice say? but yeah she did treat me right actually, wasnt a shit girlfriend either!

not being mean and like what people think about you, does it bother you!?

naah it doesnt anymore, everyone has their own opinion..

doesnt matter though lol no one cares about adam, hell have two people at his funeral :P

How can you say that about anyone?! People do care about Adam and I know there would be more then two people! So maybe you should stop sending questions like this, it wouldn't be helping if he is feeling like that!

Sorry, how long are u lesbian

I thought I was bi last August, and then realised I was lesbian in December/January

Write a paragraph on what sort of person you think of the followings personality: Adam Potts

Cba with writing a paragraph, but he seems nice and funny. But don't really know him so can't say much tbh:/

id tell you but i would just be incredibly embarrest when i see you :(

Just tell me? And its fine, don't need to be embarrassed though:)


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