
Angel Nguyen

Ask @angelnguyen6

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Bitch why you going to put it out there, mean u be desperate

Uhh.. Okay like seriously. How is that desperate? Like I can't show my friend that someone is pretending to be them. Like GO AWAY! Clearly your to scared to show the real you. I aint no snitch. Maybe other people might see this and report it... But how is that desperate your just trying to get on my nerves. And your failing at it. And I bet I already know who you you are. But I'm not gonna say it.

Bitch maybe I will, btw, my fucking ñame os Rachel

I don't who you are and what your problem is. Like who are you? Quit pretending to be people your not. If your trying to make me mad you might wanna try harder. Cause you arent... Cause Rachel will never cuss like that. She's like one of my closest friends.

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That's not curtis because Curtis freaks out if u write with abbreviations. Ex:u, ur, everything "Curtis" is doing plus his mom only let's Curtis on the internet is for mind craft.

Haha yeah I already knew it wasn't Curtis. I don't know why people pretend to be other people... I guess their too scared to say its them. And I know what abbreviations are.. Hahahahaha

What did you dream about last night?

It was really weird... It had to do with one direction, school, the grudge, candy, zombies, and the guy I like..

It's Curtis, why u squinting all the time in class are u chinese

It's funny cause I don't remember you in class today... I'm not Chinese get your facts straight. And I sit in the back so how can you see me when your in the front... Do you not know what an Asian looks like? Most of them have squinty eyes so I'm not the only one and I really don't care if they are or not.. So whoever this is trying to be someone else all the time why won't you come out and say your real name and quite being such fake.

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Something by one direction or Ed Sheeran.

Do u think I'm sexy???? I'm in ur last block class and I'm a guy who ever one hates!!! I'm not Matt,Derwin tristin or Kendal, so who am i

Dude. I have no idea.

Have you ever been high?? Because I seem high in class all the time. Would u like to go out for a drink or two?? I think your hot and sexy and btw I'm in your last block class and a lot of people think I'm weird and annoying. But u don't think I am do u? I'll give u a hint I'm not Derwin Mat Kendal

No I've never been high... Ugh I have no idea who you are.. Thanks? And I have no idea who you are..

Mrs gaskin

I dont have her. I have Coach/Mr. Hood. But she seems nice my brother Nathan had her. People say she's mean.. Idk.

Have u drank beer smoked weed or had sex

I drank beer once on accident.. And no I never smoked weed or had sex.

Riley Stephens

She's so sweet and she loves popcorn cause at competition she said it and she would ALWAYS buy popcorn it was funny. But she's really good at guard. And I better see her next year on the guard. :)

Thanks a lot bitch, your a motherfucker I don't want tone your friend anymore.!!!!! This is Gracie hollbrooks

Uhh.. You better watch who you talking to little girl This is not Gracie... So don't even lie. All I said is she eats a little annoying when she's hyped up. So I don't know what you got against me cause I didn't do anything to you. So uhh. Quite being people you aren't.

Gracie hollbrooks

I talk to her like everyday! Sometimes or most of the time she can be a little annoying cause she's so hyper all the time.

Fine dont believe me ill be sure to place a bomb real close to you and "Michelle" house ugh... Ill be sure Niall is real close by also...

I will come and haunt you if you kill me and my husband.... ( Niall )

I WANT YOU ROCK ME, ROCK ME, ROCK ME YEAH * complete the song *



Language: English