
Angel Nguyen

Ask @angelnguyen6

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Nigga you know I love you haha I call you ratchet out of jealousy an I will blow it up think I'm playing

Yes.. Yes I think you're playin'

Listen here you little ratchet I make the rules and what I say goes I'm gonna blow up the UK the same day Nick blows up Canada so screw you AND MICHELLE!!! ps can you save me a cupcake lol

Uh no. Don't you think about blowing up my country. I will cut you. And no I will not save you a cupcake. And thanks I love being called Rachet.

Okay Michelle will not be your roommate I forbidz it and you will make me cupcakes!!!!

Okay so first of all amber. It's not your choice it's not my fault when I asked you you said you're moving to Canada. Second of all since I'm gonna be a baker I'm gonna bring Michelle cupcakes ALL THE TIME. So yeah. And maybe ill make some soon since everyone liked them so much...

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What are you gonna do when you leave high school?

I FREAKING LOVE THIS QUESTION... But.. Im going to go to collage and after that im going to go live in London in the UK cause i LOVE british accents and seems fun over there. Then year im going to visit America for a Month and stuff and i cant wait and Michelle Rogers is suppose to be my room mate! :)

What is something embarrasing that happened today?

Well, I was in Spanish 5th block and we had a sub. The boys and the sub was trying to get the dvd thing to work and i like leaned back in my chair you know how you balance on like to legs of the chair. Yeah, well i did that and the chair fell backwards and i fell on my butt. It hurt so bad..... Yeah everyone was laughing and the sub like freaked out cause i hit a desk in the proccess of falling backwards... Yeah i just sat there.. It was pretty embarrasing...

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

On saturday i'm going to a competition. Like championships for Winterguard for 11 hours... UGH

How much sheep does a savannah shear if savannah should shear sheep? -Rachel

Idk. But I bet she's making thousands. ;)

Do you remember your first day at school?

OMG yes! Of kindergarten. I was walking to my class and i was walking forever! I was OMG why does my class have to be all the way back there? And on the bus it was awkward but I had my brothers so it was okay. But I hit my head on the window and it hurt! OMG I hated the bus but its so fun now.

What is your favorite part of the day?

Either the time when the sunsets or the night time cause of the stars


Language: English